10-09-2012 #1
Hello all, I've been away but now I'm back
with illness a new improved pacemaker fitted plus life just getting in the way I'm back begging for information and guidance as I really don't have a clue
I'm getting quite good now at drawing my cut outs in one plane but now I need to produce a piece with a curved surface across X-axis and the Y-axis
My software is as follows vetricpunch,vcarve pro,Cut3d plus newly installed Featurecam. CNC software is good old mac3
I really haven't a clue so I was hoping if I gave someone the out line drawing, surface geometry of my produce some kind soul would finish the stl file for me
10-09-2012 #2
What kind of curved surface do you need? Is it something mathematically defined or something artistic? Something like cutting a line drawing on to a curved surface?
If you email me the drawing and geometry I can almost certainly do it, or better show you how.
11-09-2012 #3
i would really like to see this done if you can show us your tutorial after you've helped him please
11-09-2012 #4
Thank you Jonathan
I will send you the drawings one of the 2d cut out and then the x drawing and then the y drawing just simple arc in both axis'
12-09-2012 #5
Jonathan I have sent you a email with the drawings let me know when you've had a look
cheers mate
16-09-2012 #6
Hello Jonathan
A really big thank you for helping me out with my drawing I've just cut a test piece in some 18mm MDF and I must say I'm really quite impressed with the result achieved I've not look at my software yet to reproduce the drawing yet but I'm hoping to do this next week.
I hope you had a good weekend with your project and nearing a finish line
Again thank you
may I come over some time for a small tutorial on my software ??
17-09-2012 #7
You're welcome...did you take any pictures?
I can give you a tutorial on the software if you want, when I've finished the project. However I strongly advise doing the tutorials that came with it first as I'm sure you'll get the hang of it easily from those...
17-09-2012 #8
I will take some of the item tonight
20-09-2012 #9
well thanks to Jonathan here is the image of what I've cut to date it's a scaled down version of what I want but you will get the idea I'm sure.
I will be cutting this out at the weekend in some more test wood as the maple is a bit expensive as a full size test. If it goes well, I my even make two and sell one
anyway here is the shape
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