So part 2 Controller.

Well I’m not sure here, I have an Arduino Nano, which would server the purpose in all honesty, mainly because there’s actually not much to it.

It uses 6 motors and 2 servos.
The 2 x servos are for the pan and tilt camera,
and the motors are :
2 x motors for the final drive
1 for turret rotation
1 for Depression and elevation of barrel
1 for winding the plunger back for the gun.
But that’s leave a bit of problem, I have the
Arduino Servo & Motor Shield for 2 Servos and 4 Motors (Adafruit)

Which means I fall short by one motor control otherwise it would be perfect. Size weight control all excellent.
I thought about replacing the gun mechanism with a solenoid type of device, though good in theory I’m not sure, anyway that’s the least of my concerns it tertiary to the actual use,( though slotting a bb in the rusty sheriffs badge of a squatting feline at a 20 paces would be pretty kewl, and rewarding for that matter ).
The wireless control comes from marrying the Arduino with 2 Xbee pro’s

On 2 x Adafruit XBee Adapter Kit - Point to point and mesh wireless networking Arduino

Cheap kit / Prepare to solder
They rate at about 1 km
I have been able to control the Pan and tilt using Processing and Arduino sketches. Very simple, tutorial. Be careful though so far I have only found my Mega AXT has been able to supply enough power to the servos and servo board at the same time, I have now 9v external powers on each and every board and it works spot on. This is one of the reasons I’m looking into a power distributor similar to RC helicopter boards, either buy one or make my own.