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12-01-2009 #1
Im thinking of buying some 16mm supported rails from zapp. Would it be advisable to use 2 bearings per length of rail, even on the z axis, which will be 200mm?
Would it twist with only two?
12-01-2009 #2
I think given the choice, i would go with x2 bearing blocks per rail. I would think this would give a better distribution of all things considered.
12-01-2009 #3Visit Us: www.automationshop.co.uk
12-01-2009 #4
Gary, whats your reasoning on this? and some links to your recommendations?
12-01-2009 #5
12-01-2009 #6
Thats all im using on my rouckcliff machine and everything seems ok so far.
FOR SALE: x2 12mm Round Rail 1000mm - CHEAP XYZ
FOR SALE: x2 16mm Round Rail 1000mm - CHEAP XYZ
I'v also got the SMA units as well, the prices would be the same as Zapp's. :).Me
12-01-2009 #7
The issue isnt the weight... its the amount of flex and that depends on the accuracy you want to achieve.
Remember that the cutter, router and mounting at the lowest part of the Z motion is acting as a lever trying to bend the z-rails. Assuming you are cutting wood with a typical router and a 6mm cutter you will be pushing something like 100N sideways force at a distance of say 200mm which is a moment of 20Nm (torque). That will flex 12mm unsupported rail by about .06mm and will result in a deviation of the cutter point about 0.6mm. If you are OK with that worst case inaccuracy then fine but even for wood thats high. 16mm rail will give a worst case deviation of 0.15mm, which is better.
12-01-2009 #8
12-01-2009 #9
Supported for X and Y is preferable because the weight of the load (router + vertical forces) causes significant negative deflection in the vertical plane which the support effectively resists. However supported rail is strong to resist loads into the support but poor when being pulled away from the support which is why Gary recommends something stronger such solid profiled rails where the glides run on the edge and better resist forces equally into and out of the plane of the rail as well as turning moments.
Thats doesnt mean you cant use unsupported rail in thr Z direction. In reality the deflection will be much smaller than what I suggested and for a small machine 12 or 16mm rail may well be adequate if the depth of cut is kept small enough. As Lee says, his works fine...
12-01-2009 #10
I've been toying with the idea of using supported 16mm rail for a Z axis, but was thinking of fitting the rails back-to-back, with the rails facing outwards. The idea is similar to the angled version already shown, but would be easier to fabricate from standard parts. The Z carriage would be channel shaped, to keep the linear bearings loaded in the right direction.
I had thought about doing it the other way around, too, with the rails facing inwards and a block carriage sliding up between them. This ends up a bit wider though, so might limit travel in the Y axis.
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