Irving My heart felt sympathy's.!! . . .I write this with sadness and tears in my eyes.!! . . . . I know exactly the emotions and feelings of anxiety, fear and disbelief but yet relief your alive has I too broke my Back many many years ago wrecking a professional motoX career.
Luckly I've recovered fully other than nasty back pain and was no were near your level of injury but I do have some very dear friends that have not been so lucky, infact one my best friends and Ex competitor is a paraplegic and I can tell you there isn't many weeks go by that he doesn't leave me dumb founded by what he does.! . . . And I still can't catch him in the Go-kart that he custom built from scratch.
So PLEASE don't despair and sell the tools has you'll want them before you know it.!! . . . I don't care you live 300miles away you MUST ask when your ready and I will come and help make any mods or special requirement needed to allow this to happen.

Take care friend.