Quote Originally Posted by JuKu View Post
So, what do you think? Where this contraption sucks the most?
I think you may be making problems for yourself

Valiant effort and all that, but could I make a few suggestions...

It's incredibly rigid where you don't need it and flexible where you do.

Why is the X axis motor mounted on the gantry with that convoluted belt drive? It's just extra weight to move, long cables, extra bearings and lots of things that can bend or be a tadge off centre. I suggest two belts go around driven pulleys at one end and sprung pulleys at t'other.

One linear bearing per shaft is enough for pick and place. I used 16mm for X and 10mm for Y and that was overkill.

Do you really want to screw drive the Z axis? It makes it heavy and if anything goes wrong it could drive the pickup nozzle down into a component. I suggest a cam to lift it and let it drop under it's own weight.

The simplest component feeder is a ready peeled 8mm tape sitting in a groove. If you have 2 tapes at 90 degrees you don't need to rotate the nozzle.

If you attach the pick-up nozzle to the head with a magnet then auto-changing is so simple there is no point not having it.