Thread: CNC3040 with 750watt spindle
28-11-2012 #1
I'm looking to sell my CNC3040. It's had some use but it works well.
I replaced the standard 200watt spindle with a DIY spindle based on an outrunner motor. I have built a 750watt PSU by modifying a Corsair PSU (now had pot inside to adjust output voltage). There is also a speed controller attached to the side of the gantry. The motor is high torque and low RPM. It works aright for most things and can cut light aluminium better than the original spindle.
The controller is a TB6560 based board with a variable voltage PSU. It is set to 25Volts at the moment which is perfectly safe, though I might be tempted to push it a little higher for more speed.
Here are some photos.
I'll also include the above plus a 4 flute coated 6mm extra long milling bit, 3 ER11 collets with a set of ER11 chucks to fit most bits.
If you want higher RPM from the spindle (e.g. for small dia. engraving bits) you will probably want to make another spindle, but the PSU and speed controller can be kept. Basically you just need to get an outrunner motor with higher RPV/volt and replace the shaft with a ER11 collect shaft. This will cost you about £30 total.
These machines with a standard spindle cost about £650 delivered to the UK. I'm asking for £350 + £15 shipping.Last edited by Jonathan; 13-02-2013 at 05:54 PM. Reason: Sold
28-11-2012 #2
Humm, thats cheap, really cheap !
28-11-2012 #3
Hi Tenson,
PM sent...
29-11-2012 #4
I am interested. Sent pm.
29-11-2012 #5
My email is REDACTED .
filipeLast edited by mocha; 29-11-2012 at 06:37 PM. Reason: email address redacted
30-11-2012 #6
Hi Guys,
This machine is provisionally sold, just awaiting payment and collection on Wednesday.
30-11-2012 #7
I guess it's not me then. That's a shame, I was quite looking forward to using it.
30-11-2012 #8
I wouldn't be surprised if it was Irving... He just pipped me to the post a few times and has a great nose for a bargain ;-)
30-11-2012 #9
Yeah, and good on him...
01-01-2013 #10
has this bad boy gone?! :(
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