Quote Originally Posted by blackburn mark View Post
iv seen you pull this card on a few occasions jazz and it puzzles me... you pull it out whenever you have carved massive chasm of discord between yourself and your adversary ?
Erm first If you read again my first post then I didn't carve anything just a bit of advise given in good faith.! It's not my fault if the OP took it has attitude it was certainly not meant that way.

Quote Originally Posted by blackburn mark View Post
what puzzles me is why do you bother to describe how much your adversary is missing out in not having you as a buddy ?
it seems a little pointless... is it a Yorkshire thing ?
Second I don't see anyone has adversary and the point of my comment was to show that if the OP treat people with a bit more courtesy he could be surprised by the help he'd get back in return and in this case specificly from some one with experience of the exact sort thing he wants done and the tools to get it done.

Employing Courtesy goes along way and cost's nothing.!! Dishing out insults takes the same effort and cost's plenty. . . In this case the probably £45hr labour for an engineer.??