Why can't I vote for two. the vote is for Mach or EMC and then they stick other in.
I want to vote Mach and other seeing as i run two commercial machines with Ahha on them.

I don't want to get involved in a dick slapping contest between the two but just point out that if everyone who starts out in this hobby has to use Linux / EMC then I'm afraid the number would be cut by as high as probably 75% or greater.

I'm not saying one is better than the other as it would be totally impossible to define but familiarity with an operating system has to play a major part of any decision.

I know the Linux guys will jump on this and say it's not so but they are all, for want of a better word,and no disrespect, geeks, who are very, very familiar with the Linux operating system and cannot understand why others are not.

Why not just be content in using what you are most comfortable with.