Quote Originally Posted by Jonathan View Post
That's besides the point - this thread is about LinuxCNC, not CAM software. I agree options are currently more limited if you're running the CAM software on Linux, but there's nothing to stop you continuing to run your favourite CAM software in windows.
Yes it's relevant has folks started talking about linux and comparing the OS saying how you don't need to know the OS to *USE not run* Linux CNC. YES YOU DO
You can't USE it without G-code and that requires either a sound knowledge and certain amount of GEEK to use Linux soley or to a lesser extent knowledge of running Windows emulators.
So my point is you still need windows to use Linuc CNC while not being a considered a Geek so other than if your a tight arse if Mach does every thing you want and is designed for windows with a massive user base of windows users and his just a mouse click away WTF point of making life hard.!!
Some programs like BobCad Cam will even send the tool paths direct to Mach with no pissing about reloading or booting to this OS or that partition etc .!!

Your average or even advanced CNC user like me would struggle to get to grips with Linux and be able to soley use it with Linux.!