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  1. #1
    Just for record, steps of how I installed. These are instructions for newbie -machinists, such as me :D
    - it was not plain sailing for me, in particular with Heekscnc and Heekscad.
    - There are probably other ways of doing it, but these worked for me, with Linuxcnc Ubuntu, 10.04.

    - Initially I tried using steps from here
    UbuntuInstallation - heekscad - How to build and install HeeksCAD and related projects for Ubuntu - Free CAD based on Open CASCADE - Google Project Hosting
    ...however got all sorts of errors, in a number of places, for example,
    # ----------------------- begin list of errors ---------------------------
    E: Package git has no installation candidate
    make: *** No rule to make target `package'. Stop.
    Could not find module FindOCE.cmake or a configuration file for package

    Adjust CMAKE_MODULE_PATH to find FindOCE.cmake or set OCE_DIR to the
    directory containing a CMake configuration file for OCE. The file will
    have one of the following names:

    CMake Error: The following variables are used in this project, but they are set to NOTFOUND
    Package python-wxgtk2.8 is not installed
    heekscad: error while loading shared libraries: libTKVRML.so.5: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

    # ----------------------- begin list of end ---------------------------

    However, here are steps that one did today 2013-01-06, got them working nice:

    1. Install a clean Ubuntu 10.04. "LinuxCNC" -version
    - had done this step before here:

    2. Install Heekscad and Heekscnc - with their pre-requisities
    - so we have an un-touched Ubuntu 10.04 -installation before these steps.
    - all commands below are executed on command -prompt as linux "root" -user

    apt-get install emacs # install my favourite editor
    # install some pre-requisities:
    apt-get install git-core subversion libwxbase2.8-dev cmake build-essential libopencascade-dev libwxgtk2.8-dev libgtkglext1-dev python-dev cmake libboost-python-dev

    # Install some more pre-requisities:
    apt-get install python-wxgtk2.8 python-wxversion

    # Retrieve source -files
    mkdir /mycnc
    cd /mycnc
    git clone --recursive git://github.com/Heeks/heekscad.git
    cd /mycnc/heekscad
    git clone --recursive git://github.com/Heeks/heekscnc.git
    git clone --recursive git://github.com/Heeks/libarea.git
    git clone --recursive git://github.com/Heeks/libactp.git
    git clone --recursive https://github.com/sliptonic/opencamlib.git
    git clone --recursive git://github.com/tpaviot/oce.git

    # Continue still in directory
    # /mycnc/heekscad
    sudo apt-get -y install libftgl-dev

    # OCE -installation:
    cd /mycnc/heekscad/oce/
    # Read instructions if you feel like it
    # more INSTALL.Unix
    mkdir build
    cd build
    cmake ..
    # Give one (1) only of two commands below
    # Or, alternatively
    # make -j2
    # to enable multiprocessed compilation and speedup the whole compilation
    # process.

    make install/strip

    # That is OCE -installation done.

    # HeeksCNC uses a number of libraries to perform various operations. Install all of them or
    # only the ones you plan to use.
    # Install libarea
    # area.so is required for pocket operations.

    cd /mycnc/heekscad/libarea/
    make clean # OPTIONAL: only needed if you have previous make -attempts, otherwise, not needed
    make install

    # Install libactp
    # actp.so is required for adaptive roughing operations.
    # This may be removed from git soon thus you may want to skip it

    cd /mycnc/heekscad/libactp/PythonLib
    make clean # OPTIONAL: only needed if you have previous make -attempts, otherwise, not needed
    make install

    # Install opencamlib
    # opencamlib is the replacement for pycam. It's required for zigzag operations.

    cd /mycnc/heekscad/opencamlib/src
    make clean # OPTIONAL: only needed if you have previous make -attempts, otherwise, not needed
    cmake .
    make install

    # Install heekscnc:
    cd /mycnc/heekscad/heekscnc/
    cmake .
    make package
    sudo dpkg -i heekscnc_*.deb # only one .deb to install, but the filename may change

    # Install heekscad:
    cd /mycnc/heekscad
    cmake .
    make package
    sudo dpkg -i heekscad*.deb #only one .deb to install, but the filename may change

    # Give command:

    # Let's start our newly installed heekscad / heekscnc:


    By default, it seems G0 -button (Postprocess) is missing (due to a bug) from Heekscad.
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	G0-missing.Screenshot.png 
Views:	1149 
Size:	111.4 KB 
ID:	7877
    # To find that missing G0 -button, change from options ---> tool icon size to smaller (eg. 16) and then larger again
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	G0_button_missing2.png 
Views:	1080 
Size:	130.1 KB 
ID:	7878

    # ...and the button appears on top right hand corner of toolbar:
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	G0buttonback.png 
Views:	777 
Size:	113.6 KB 
ID:	7879

    Thanks for reading and have fun

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