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  1. I was Googling for someone to laser some acryllic for me, idly typed "laser cutter" into fleabay, price + P&P lowest first...

    I found a dinky little laser engraver/cutter with a buy it now of £550 + £45 shipping from Cornwall.

    I thought, "What's the worst that can happen?", offered £500 and got it.

    Laser cutter machine Laser Engraver | eBay
    You may now tell me what is wrong with it and where I could have bought a new one for less

  2. #2

  3. #3
    The laser tubes on these dont normally last very long so the fact that your getting a spare is a major bonus.

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by Web Goblin View Post
    The laser tubes on these dont normally last very long so the fact that your getting a spare is a major bonus.

    Mines at about 1500 hours at the moment :) Not sure if thats long in the laser world though.

  5. #5
    Not read much about these Chinese lasers, can you do a little review of it when it arrives & you have had a little play with it Robin please.

    Is it the same machine you have Philly

  6. #6
    Very interesting. I bought a black cat laser (900x600 bed) about 18 months ago and am hoping to get it set up next weekend. Anyone else got one?
    I,m sure Robin will have his up and running long before me. Await your comments about set up and performance Robin (I mean the llaser of course). G.

  7. Quote Originally Posted by Web Goblin View Post
    The laser tubes on these dont normally last very long so the fact that your getting a spare is a major bonus.
    Thanks for not telling me I am an idiot, but perhaps that is yet to come

    I have read a bit about Chinese lasers and quality seems to be a bit of a lucky dip. I think the tube life also depends on whether you run the poor thing at top whack. If I stick to cutting thin Plasticard in no particular hurry I could probably wind it back somewhat.

    Note: Back in the good old days, before political correctness, they used to grade schoolchildren on a sliding scale. Idiot was the bottom of the scale, one step below moron.

  8. #8
    Hmm I'd have considered getting that... favourite search now set up. My current plan is to attach a laser to my router, but on a second gantry. Since I'm using rotating ballnuts, I can easily have two gantries running independently on the machine, so one lightweight one for laser cutter (+3d printer) and a robust gantry for conventional cutting. The one you've got says 21m/min, which is manageable and I should be able to do it without loosing much, if any travel.

    I expect to see your mayan calender on Monday...
    Old router build log here. New router build log here. Lathe build log here.
    Electric motorbike project here.

  9. #9
    It's hard to know what to believe Robin, some of the negative stuff I have read is from people who have absolutely no experience with any kind of machinery what so ever, probably bought because they thought it would be an easy and cheap(ish) way to make lots of money.
    From someone like yourself I would expect to get a more balanced view of the machine.
    The tubes probably don't last as long as on better quality machines but if they are a lot cheaper & you have the ability to change them yourself (which you do) then it might not work out any more expensive to run than a more upmarket machine.

  10. #10
    It is mate, had it 2 years now.

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