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  1. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by skittles View Post
    Sorry Lee, I have already tried making these with a centre finder and a jig I made......
    But the problem is that delrin ISNT ROUND! So good luck making some hehe..

    I had to get robin hewitt to make me some with his lathe (Thanks!!)
    I see, well ill give it ago and see what comes of it. I'v got my eye on a few lathes on ebay so hopfully i can win one of them. One of them is just down the road to me and looks quite nice.

  2. #12
    Quote Originally Posted by progomez View Post
    this is quite interesting for a cheap way of making a lathe or even a 4th axis

    Yea that could be an option, ill would only really need a small one.

  3. #13
    The options are endless :), i dont really think there is a market for round drive nuts of this type anyway. I'v seen them listed befor and not do very well, in the ACME or the trapezoidal they may do "ok", i notice dice sells them like that not seen many sales on his feedback for them tho.

  4. #14
    Quote Originally Posted by skittles View Post
    I think that round flanged nuts are many many times better than any other shape to mount in bigger machine designs to be honest.

    [sorry to hijack]

    For example, in this machine I have been designing I will use round flange nuts since they seem infinitely easier to mount. However I will be using trapezoidal screws.

    true as its easier to mount them in a circular hole.

  5. #15
    Slightly redesigned the gantry sides using the original. Will also be building a enclosure to keep the mdf dust in.

    Problem is the noise that my cheap router was making was from the lower bearing. So will need to buy another router to continue the redesign.

    Machine was cutting quite well except found out it was loosing acuracy due to the bearing making the router cut in an slightly oval shape.

    Next on the list is a router. Still deciding on either a kress fme 800 or a trend t4. The trend is cheaper to service.

    Also decided on upgrading all axis to trapezoidal although cant decide on 10x2 or 12x3.

    Lee, can you make trapezoidal delrin nuts?

    Aslo can my 1.85 motors run trapezoidal screws? Do they have enough torque?
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

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    Last edited by progomez; 10-03-2009 at 10:08 PM.

  6. #16
    Quote Originally Posted by skittles View Post

    Did you manage to cut the whole gantry side within your machine working area?

    Nice job!

    Yes. I designed it that way.

    Cut it out of 18mm mdf with 4mm deep cuts. Took about 20mins a side. 600mm per min
    Last edited by progomez; 10-03-2009 at 10:41 PM.

  7. #17
    havent been using this for a while and now have started purchasing parts for a "better" version.
    I have decided to build another to try and rectify the main problem I found when using it which was :

    1. Speed/ the m8 threaded rod was too slow (although not bad for the price. i have purchased 3 10x2 delrin nuts off ebay for £9.99. This should nearly double the speed.

    Also Im thinking of buying this kit http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/linear-bearing...3286.m63.l1177

    Any reason why not. it seems cheap and combined with some trapezoidal leadscrews from merchant dice it should only cost me around £120 for a 1000x700x300 linear bearing machine which should cut 3'x2' peices easily. Can anyone see a problem with the kit? seems cheap.

    I also bought a new router a while ago kw800k b&d , off ebay, which will replace the cheap one which eventually burned out.

    Im also thinking of what to do to minimise the noise.

  8. Quote Originally Posted by progomez View Post
    havent been using this for a while and now have started purchasing parts for a "better" version.
    I have decided to build another to try and rectify the main problem I found when using it which was :

    1. Speed/ the m8 threaded rod was too slow (although not bad for the price. i have purchased 3 10x2 delrin nuts off ebay for £9.99. This should nearly double the speed.

    Also Im thinking of buying this kit http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/linear-bearing...3286.m63.l1177

    Any reason why not. it seems cheap and combined with some trapezoidal leadscrews from merchant dice it should only cost me around £120 for a 1000x700x300 linear bearing machine which should cut 3'x2' peices easily. Can anyone see a problem with the kit? seems cheap.

    I also bought a new router a while ago kw800k b&d , off ebay, which will replace the cheap one which eventually burned out.

    Im also thinking of what to do to minimise the noise.
    Dont do it... the unsupported rail over a 1000mm length will flex badly. You need supported rail for the main 1000mm run and ideally for the 700mm one too.

  9. #19

    As Irving said, 16mm rail over those lengths will FLEX ! NO QUESTION !

    You need to look at bigger rails or go with supported rail, sorry.

  10. #20
    Thanks for the replies. What would be the maximum length for the 20mm and 16mm bearings as they seem quite cheap, at least for a small cnc.

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