Hi All.
I have a WM16 that was converted some 12 years ago by John Stevenson (did a great job!) - it was originally a Warco CNC, which was crap (it still had Acme screws and not the ball screws as I had been told - so accuracy was about as far out as the moon!). In the upgrade, John also fitted a 1:1 tooth belt drive from the motor to the gear spindle, so increased the main spindle speed to around 4300rpm max - I run mainly at 4000rpm and has run happily at this. I did have error problems with glitches in communication between the computer and the mill from time to time, but this was solved with the addition of SmoothStepper. Excellent.

I only use it for small model engineering hobby projects so is not in constant use, but it has done a few hundred hours of reliable running.

My problem now is that after experiencing a sudden build-up of chatter over a short period, I replaced all the bearings in the head and tightened up all the gib strips. Now I still have a vibration at high speed - removing the belt from the pulley and running the motor by itself, there is a vibration there, so need to replace the motor.

Does anyone know of a higher-speed motor (say 5000rpm) that would be a direct replacement for this one? Or will I have to go back to Warco for the motor?
