OK, unfortunately with all of the fourms and all of the inquiries I'm recieving, it is impossible to answer each one directly and for those who were unable to message me due to a full box I have made it very simple to contact me in real time.

I now have a website, Click Here, I also have an IRC set up irc.dalecnc.com so you can contact me directly (requires IRC client software, not accessibly by browser).

The overwhelming number of tire kickers sending me PM's on various forums and by e-mail has forced me to ignore most of them cause as one person I can't handle the 200-300 pieces I'm getting a day.

If you believe I should be able to sell you a cartridge for $200.00 becuase you think that is all it's worth, please don't insult your self by contacting me and demanding one for this price, the front bearings alone cost $400.00 so it would be impossible to give it to you for that ridiculous price.

If you want intelligent questions answered I recommend you contact me in my IRC as it is doubtful I will repsond to further PM's or e-mail.