Quote Originally Posted by Smiler View Post
Hi everybody,

I have a cross line laser module to fit on my machine. My bob outputs a regulated 5v but the laser can only handle 3 to 4.5v.

I imagine I need some sort of inline resistor to drop the 5v to 4.5v?

Question is what value resistor?

or is there a better way?

I know I could use 3 x 1.5v batteries but I'd like an onboard solution I can control from a macro via Mach.

Many thanks for any and all help.

Regards, Jeff

I'v just recived mine from tiwan a few days ago, i was saving it to make a post about the idea of using one :). O Well :D

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Inductors, Capacitors & Resistors

Components: Diodes, Resistors, Capacitors, Transistors & LED

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