no I'm not milling them and I'll probably face the repercussions of it in the way of needing more adjust-ability. I could do it on my current cnc machine, but it'll probably just be more of a pain as I don't know how square the machine is. I just popped it together as the stuff I do on it isn't that accurate.

I've got some proper photos this time:

DSC_0180 by jessebaker, on Flickr

DSC_0181 by jessebaker, on Flickr

DSC_0182 by jessebaker, on Flickr

with more support block just placed in:

DSC_0184 by jessebaker, on Flickr

where the ball screw will sit:

DSC_0186 by jessebaker, on Flickr

so far so good. I'm loving the height gauge and I've been making all the holes line up perfectly, no drilling a bigger hole then needed.

I do have a problem drill into the end of the ganrty plate. at 1100mm long it's a bit tricky to put it in my tiny drill press. and my cordless is a bit kak.

might have to take it to my old school.