You're missing my point... The days of 1 PC = 1 licence are long gone, that was true when PCs were very expensive but these days most users work seamlessly across multiple devices, but only on one at a time. It's a licence to use, not a licence to install.

Accept it's your right to licence as you see fit but you're going to alienate a large part of your target user base, which I would argue is the small business, intermittent user, hobby market. You might think you're targeting the Autocad market but for organisations that buy those products price isn't the only factor (in fact in my considerable experience as an IT consultant it's often a long way down the list as price per seat is always negotiable).

I would argue that the software product market is moving towards a free but perfectly usable version (typically lacking high end features such as file import, parametric objects, etc.), a 'pro' version with these features and then a chargeable support model for larger users.