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  1. Hi John,

    Quote Originally Posted by John S View Post
    Sorry ????????????

    I paid good coin of the realm for the copy I had / have ?

    And OK so it was a goblet and not a glass, still a useless tutorial unless you are aiming the software at glass blowers.
    You still have it, as I explained in an earlier post, but you're not using it, and it's not a question of whether it was a glass or a goblet. Page 39 of the Introduction to DesignCAD 3D MAX gives an illustration of the Sweep command as a wine goblet. There is no tutorial on neither milling nor turning a wine glass nor a goblet. That's all I'm saying.

    Hi Jazz,
    NO EXACTLY but they could have been and lots more besides who certainly won't after reading your unyielding and quite arrogant replays.!

    Forums are very powerful business tools in skilled hands, they can also be quite destructive to business and reputation in un-skilled hands and you Sir need to hone your skills.!!
    Well right now I feel very much ganged up upon by the old hands of this forum, so what do I do?

  2. #2
    Quote Originally Posted by Magic View Post
    Hi Jazz,

    Well right now I feel very much ganged up upon by the old hands of this forum, so what do I do?
    Oh you poor victim here have a cuddle..

    Seriously now your POTENTIAL CUSTOMERS are TELLING YOU #### WHY#### or WHAT is STOPPING them from buying your software. It's not rocket science from here to come up with the correct policy that allows users to have the experience or product they need.

    Cropwell is very typical of CNC users who have multiple machines with one not being connected to internet for stated reasons who drop back n forth between each. They are rightly grieved or loathed to buy 2 licenses when they are the sole user of the software.

    The feedback from these forums is priceless information in skilled hands and you'll find much better reception and willingness to help or spread the word with a more listening approach than unbending arrogant approach.
    We "OLD HANDS" don't gang up or Pick on anyone unless we have good reason and John S gave good cause and you gave BAD ATTITUDE even then we weren't Ganging up just giving the reasons why we think your MONEY GRABBING Policy is RUBBISH.

    REMEMBER your pushing your stuff on PUBLIC FORUM and when the results good you'll get all the whistles and praise your seeking but you'll also equally get GREAT BIG load of Booing and jeering when it's not.
    The skilled ones take the realistic Boo's and turn them into cheers and chalk the unrealistic ones down to Dick heads you'll never make happy. . . . There's very few real Dick heads around here.!!

    It's your choice to either provide a solution to keep or attract customers just like it's there choice to give your software the Finger and click on a competitors offerings.!

    Edit: Just to highlight how much power the "Word of mouth" affect makes.!
    There's a very helpful fellow in China by the name Of Chai who sells CNC components and over 6yrs I personally know to 300-400 sales made directly from me, just one single person, recommending him. That doesn't include my purchases nor does it include the guys promoting him on this Forum, and the reason they and I do it is because he's fair and helpful. Imagine what business he gets from many like me.!!!
    Now on the same Note I get asked Many many times about Cam and Cad software and every CNC machine needs both to work just like the Components it's built from so there's no reason for this same Word of mouth affect not to work.? . . . . BUT in reality it doesn't WHY.???

    BECAUSE (most) SOFTWARE COMPANY'S ARE GREEDY. . . . . . I'm restricted to just a few I can recommend.!! . . . .Yours WONT be one.!!
    Last edited by JAZZCNC; 23-10-2013 at 07:54 PM.

  3. #3
    I won't be using this software but was wondering if it's possible to install it on a USB external drive that can be moved from one computer to another ?. I used to have a PC with different operating systems on various external drives, these were set as the boot drives so I just had to plug one in and restart.

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