Quote Originally Posted by JAZZCNC View Post
Other than the obvious fact it will need to be strongly built then I don't think it will be difficult make this work with but from what I see for it to work properly then you need the tool 90deg to the steel has it domes.? Affectively you need 5 Axis. . . . This would rule out Z axis like Jonathan's box design.
The overall angle of the shell/ the wok/ is 27 to 30 degrees from horizontal. meaning 53cm diameter and 14cm depth. That leads to 2 things:
1. A special hammer head with the desired angle to achieve the final result
2.As you say, more axis.
I calculated that for a 10-12mm diameter hammer head with specially designed angle it would not be a problem to form the shell. Thats how i saw they did it in on document. Though the impact frequency is unknown to me. Needless to say the shell will be greased or oiled so the head to be able to slip-stretch the sheet properly.

Quote Originally Posted by JAZZCNC View Post
My approach for dual purpose machine would be to build a Sturdy gantry with something like 200x100x10.
Thats exactly my initial design intent

Quote Originally Posted by JAZZCNC View Post
Then either have two separate Y axis one on each side each with own rails, screws, motors and Z axis or build a single double sided Y axis with Z axis on each side. My preference would probably be shared has it keeps cost and weight of gantry down but I would have rails on both sides.
Thats new idea to me, very grateful.

Quote Originally Posted by JAZZCNC View Post
Then the Rear Y axis would have heavy duty Z axis with short stroke and attached to that would be a stepper driven Rotary table which striker mounts onto creating the 4th axis. This would enable you to keep the striker 90deg to metal at any dome depth.
I have thought of this but not sure if this is in my ability to design.Without mistakes, i mean.

Quote Originally Posted by JAZZCNC View Post
Next To hold the Metal and create the 5th Axis I would build a sturdy fixture on a Rotating table driven by stepper. Few ways this could done.? Either using standard rotary table driven by stepper and bolting Sturdy metal holding fixture onto it. . . .OR. . . . Make a Diy rotary table from an Old car or truck clutch Fly wheel and plates and bearings. Base plate would have bearing attached to it on it's perimeter and the fly wheel would sit on them and rotate on central spindle. It would be driven by stepper directly from the fly wheel ring gear. . . . . This table assembly would be removable from the main bed.
I have to dig deeper about the clutch design then. I have contemplated something similar. Find a truck tire with the axle, fix it on a fixture 15degree inclined/half of the desired angle and made 2 axis only Y and Z. And rotate the tire by belt.
Believe it or not i could not find a tyre with axle here in Spain, for cheap from some scrapyard.

I have thought also of cutting 2 rings, similar to the rings i have for manual sinking, but at the outside cut with AT belt tooth/laser cut. Then flange them and lay them on a table where a lot of bearings are mounted in a circular pattern. The type of heavy load that are big balls only. I dont know the name in English.
But the thing will jump and i dont know how to fix it not to jump around.

Quote Originally Posted by JAZZCNC View Post
Now strictly speaking this wouldn't be 5 Axis has you'll only ever be using 3 Axis at same time. So you could make so it shares the same drives and just swap motor connections or fit Switching system to swap over. (would need powering down drives first)
It would go like this.!! . . Locate tool on centre of metal disc and park gantry and Y axis. These would now not move again so can unplug or switch to drive both rotary tables. Then swap or switch over front Z axis to rear Z axis.
Thats ok for me.

But i don't understand in fact- what will i gain with the 4 rails on the gantry and 2 Z axis ? If i go with heavy duty preloaded roller guides i could use them at the same time for CNC and the impact hammer. if they f"""k i will just change them. or you mean to be able to do 2 things without swapping spindle with hammer? if just for avoiding swapping, then an over-sized Y could do the same job and park one of the Z out of the way.

Quote Originally Posted by JAZZCNC View Post
Should be some Food for thought there.??
I will analyze and implement.

So Dean, my Big questions are:

Will Hiwin RGH 30 HA stand up to the task?

Will ballscrews with 2 nuts each stand up to the task and especially on Z, where additional vibrational creep has to be dealt with? Z with 2 ballscrews and 4 nuts should stand , yes? Ok, not forever, but at least for a time.

What size ballscrews on each axis? the normal speedy ones? 1605 and 1610 respectively?