Hi Silyavski,

Wow, I'm really blown away with the quality and info that you have put into this post. Got to thank you so much for all of the info here. It's a little daunting as you say the learning curve is steep. But you have managed to help make things a lot more simple

I appreciate all the handy screen captures for the different tools and materials. I have indeed got the basic engraving cutters that came with the router. But I really need to get the extra cutters to make the right cuts.

I am going to make a picture display case as my first project. My wife loves Depeche Mode and we recently went to see them at concert so she would like a smart display case to showcase photos and tickets etc.

Gotta really get my head around the mach3 software as that in itself is a work in progress with learning exactly how to use it I have managed to jog around and run some g code. Not actually cutting anything yet. Need to get comfortable with positioning material and zeroing the workpiece.

My machine is in my garage and I reckon I'm going to have to make myself some simple 'idiot guides' lol. It's amazing what I forget between reading and then going over to my garage.

I will let you know how I get on though and post up some pics as soon as I start making some cuts!! (definitely going to be needing the spoil board under my work ;-)

Thanks again so much for all your help.
