Hello Guys,
I am in real need of help.... I was thinking of getting help to buy a new cnc machine!!!! but the hefty price has put me off big time So now i find myself back on this wonderful site... i have a old cnc machine that has been partly restored... but it has been left sat in workshop for over three years... i need to get the machine working... any tips and advise will be very grateful guys.. I would really appreciate any help. The machine i have has a nee amc controller the bed size is 8 x 5 and it was made by STD?

I have been told by a well wisher to take off air rams to the two spindles... and change to newer stepper motors? and not forgetting to get a new water cooled spindle..... and the old machine will be better then a new one?

Honestly i am in a real dilemma i cant honestly afford a new one... and have a really good machine which i have never seen work I would like any tips and advice if upgrading is the best option.

thanks in advance
sorry for a long post