I have a feeling that the decision is made ! Amadeal can better the Warco price and up the spec of the machine to have a 3 phase brushless motor with inverter. I am going to see them on Friday 3rd Jan and probably commit to buy.

Thanks for the input.



BTW - really appreciate the forum, those members with wisdom and experience, share it with good spirit. Old friends banter with good humour and there is a real 'blokes in sheds' feel.
I have seen other forums degenerate to boasting or slanging matches and it destroys the forum. My son, who is wise beyond his 40 years (but still needs me to wire a plug) reminds me of two things : 1. Never argue with a fool in case he does the same. and 2. By demeaning others you only demean yourself.

My own motto is : If it can't be fixed with duct tape or a hammer, it's probably electrical.