Thanks Richie I will post up some screenshots of my settings tomorrow it could be that the stepper motor is running to fast in one direction and trying to reverse too quickly (if this makes sense?) I have managed to capture it doing this on video twice and have attached a youtube video. You will be able to hear the 'jarring/grinding noise' briefly. Sorry for the crappy fastening down I did the first clip without the spindle running. The second part of the video is just to highlight that it's doing the same thing with the spindle running too.

I am a beginner to all of this and appreciate all of the help you guys have offered. I tried rocking the gantry back and forth and left and right and I was unable to find anything loose as such.. no real obvious play. I will look into this more tomorrow night.

Any more thoughts welcome? does this rule anything out or more clearly point to any of the above suggestions?

Thanks again Andy