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    What I'm going to suggest will work for both HOME and LIMITS and just require single 4 core cable back to control box.

    My preference is to have Home on separate Inputs to Limits so I'll describe this way.

    Wire all BROWN and BLUE wires together for ALL switches at the machine (In a Box). Then wire All LIMIT Blacks Together in one connector block and all HOME Blacks in another Block.
    Now on the single 4 core cable wire Pin1 at control to Brown, Pin6 to Blue, Pin2 to LIMITS Black, Pin3 to HOME Black.
    Then in Mach3 set the Limit Input Signal for Limit++ and -- for all axis to PIN 2 and set the Active Low to a Tick. (Active High)
    Do the same for HOME axis on all axis but set to pin3 and Active high.

    Now you will have ALL limits wired in parallel and sharing same switch so if any switch trips Mach will see it.

    Same for HOME switches. When Mach homes it only moves one axis at a time, starting with Z axis then Y axis lastly X axis so it doesn't need a separate input for each switch has it's only watching for one signal.

    Same goes for the Limits Mach's just watching for a Signal and only needs to know where to look. Your only bothered that it stops when a limit is tripped so it's not that important that you know exactly which switch tripped only that one has.!! . . . .You'll know just by looking.

    So to save wasting inputs and make life eaiser just do this.

    IF you want to share HOME and LIMITS then you do exactly the same but wire ALL blacks to Input 2 and use 3 core cable. Then go into Config/General Config and turn off Home SW. safety.
    Now when cutting Mach watches PIN2 and treats it has Limits. BUT when HOMING mach watches PIN2 and ignores it has a Limit and treats it has a HOME switch.
    If you have never used HOME switches then what it does is ride upto the switch and trips it then backs OFF until no longer active. This way when it's finished your limits are not tripped and you have an accurate HOME location.
    Mach also gives you the option to back away from the Switch a set distance and Call this Home position.

    Hope this makes sense.!!!. . .Lol

    EDIT: OH forgot to say that because your using LIMITS wired in Parallel using NO switches then your not has safe has the Old switches when wired in series.!! Reason being that now if a wire breaks on the limit switch you won't know until it doesn't work when hit. When wired in series you set the Active State to Low so if a wire snaps the circuit is broke and the signal state drops to Low and trips the limit.!!

    You can still do this with Proximity switches but will need NC switches wired in series.
    Last edited by JAZZCNC; 16-01-2014 at 11:22 PM.

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