. .
  1. #1
    Ok so I have just acquired my first cnc router (exel 6090 pro) and haven't got a clue how to use it. It comes with a DSP handheld controller (RZNC-0501). The manual for the controller is unclear and is written for folks who understand CNC jargon so I will be posting lots of dumb questions on here I'm afraid.

    Firstly. I understand the DSP software needs to run on windows XP. My only computer is a laptop running windows 7 home premium 64 bit. Apparently you can run virtual windows XP if you upgrade to the windows 7 pro version which costs £150. Should I do this or is there a better option? Do I need a desktop PC like you do for Mach 3? I could buy a refurb desktop PC with XP on it for £150. Would this be a better option than upgrading my laptop OS so that I can run virtual XP?

    I want to run Deskproto as my CAM software. Will this work well with the DSP controller? What are the steps for taking the CAM output file to the DSP controller? I know it involves the USB stick but a breakdown of the process would be enormously helpful if anyone would be kind enough to explain it.


  2. #2
    Maybe someone else can confirm that if you swap out the DSP interface board for a standard breakout board + spindle board, that will allow you to use Mach3. Personally I would definitely want to go with Mach3 or Linux rather than the DSP.
    Post some photos looking inside the control box so all the boards etc. can be seen.
    Last edited by EddyCurrent; 16-01-2014 at 08:57 PM.

  3. Mach3 is not supported on laptops. In general laptops and CNC don't play well together if you want reliability. It can be made to work if you reconfigure the machine as a desktop and remove all power management features. Virtual XP is a def no no - you have no control of the underlying hardware - and upgrading W7 would be a waste of money. Btw if you want a virtual pc for other reasons, e.g. testing software safely or playing with Linux then download Oracle Virtualbox for free.

    You're better off buying a cheap XP machine off fleabay or gumtree but £150 is stupid money, you can do better.
    Last edited by irving2008; 17-01-2014 at 08:10 AM.

  4. #4
    Thanks for the replies chaps. I will stick with the DSP for now and try using that. If I really can't get on with it I will look into modifying the machine to run off Mach 3.

    I was never hoping to run Mach 3 off a laptop, merely the DSP application. I am advised by the machine's previous owner however that I may not need to bother with the DSP application, just take the CAM output straight to the DSP controller with a USB stick. Does that sound about right? Are there any issues with the CAM file (deskproto) coming from a 64 bit laptop, if it is not going to Mach 3 but straight to the DSP pendant?


  5. #5
    phill05's Avatar
    Lives in Derbyshire  UK, United Kingdom. Last Activity: 18 Hours Ago Has been a member for 9-10 years. Has a total post count of 300. Received thanks 28 times, giving thanks to others 13 times.
    Quote Originally Posted by chris View Post
    I am advised by the machine's previous owner however that I may not need to bother with the DSP application, just take the CAM output straight to the DSP controller with a USB stick. Does that sound about right? Chris
    Does not matter which Cam you use so long as you save the Tap file as G-code save to USB stick, then place into DSP select file, set machine parameters then run.


  6. Perusing the 'chinglish' manual for the DSP handset suggests you can load g-code off a usb-stick tho you will need to be careful with machine and work coordinates. The manual explains it but it's not that easy to make sense of.

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by phill05 View Post
    Does not matter which Cam you use so long as you save the Tap file as G-code save to USB stick, then place into DSP select file, set machine parameters then run.

    That may not be exactly correct.? . . The post processor will need to be correct and the DSP could need a specific Post.!

    I would hazzard a guess that it just use's standard G-code so most basic Post's like for Mach or Linux cnc would work but it could also need specific Headers etc to set the DSP up.? . . . The manual should tell you.!

  8. #8
    phill05's Avatar
    Lives in Derbyshire  UK, United Kingdom. Last Activity: 18 Hours Ago Has been a member for 9-10 years. Has a total post count of 300. Received thanks 28 times, giving thanks to others 13 times.
    Quote Originally Posted by JAZZCNC View Post
    That may not be exactly correct.? . . The post processor will need to be correct and the DSP could need a specific Post.!

    I would hazzard a guess that it just use's standard G-code so most basic Post's like for Mach or Linux cnc would work but it could also need specific Headers etc to set the DSP up.? . . . The manual should tell you.!
    The DSP uses "G-Code (mm) (*tap) files" created from most Cam programs, this has been by trial and error for me to say this, I did not find it in the manual.
    Inputting other Post's such as Mach3 tap files locks DSP up and mess's with onboard config files you then have to go down the "Update Auto System" reset route and setting all machine parameters up again, it's time consuming but do able.
    Another tip make sure the memory stick is formatted first and only used for transferring files to DSP.


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