Quote Originally Posted by JAZZCNC View Post
Back to the Potential fire and E-stop then I've seen Larger machines use a Rope E-stop with rope that runs around the machine that can be pulled from anywhere on the machine and activate the E-stop.!!

Oh by the way I'd already seen these pics fews weeks ago and asked Jim if he'd please post because it's important to show just how powerful and potentially dangerous even small machines can be.
I see it often people saying " Not botherd about E-stop because the steppers will stall or spindle will stall " or " I'll just switch it off at the wall" but they don't realise the full power even medium torque steppers can have when attached to ballscrews or how like a startled rabbit your froze on the spot for what seems like minutes but is nano seconds and by the time your brains recovered from the shock and told your arm to do something it's all just too late.!!
It's not until you actualy have some thing like this happen or see stationery 12mm cutter punch a hole thru 30mm of bed like it was punching butter do you stand back and say "OH SHITE".!!

So thanks for sharing Jim and Boy's he deserves some Thank's so get clicking. .
Thanks jazz, I was (am!) amazed how powerful my steppers/ballscrews are. I tried putting all my weight on my machine and couldn't see much movement at all so seeing the machine bend as much as it did was a big surprise!