Quote Originally Posted by JAZZCNC View Post
If that was aimed at me mark, which I think it was
You are entitled to consider my objections to be aimed at you if that is what blows your hair back Jazz but in the interest of science and curiosity... what exactly is it that drives you to see my objection as being levelled at you?

It wasn't levelled at you per-say... it was levelled at any "holier than thou" saints who would put stock in moral legitimacy claims on a hobby/favour/slack hand full of dollars under the tax radar for a bit of machining deal.

I may have the wrong end of the stick here but getting your knickers in a twist over my post leads me to suspect that there was indeed some spite in your words of advice to Jonathan.
If I am mistaken... one thousand apologies from me with love to you xxx
If I'm not mistaken... what can I say to make you feel better?