Quote Originally Posted by blackburn mark View Post
You are entitled to consider my objections to be aimed at you if that is what blows your hair back Jazz but in the interest of science and curiosity... what exactly is it that drives you to see my objection as being levelled at you?
Ah ah it's been a long time since I had any hair to blow back mate.! . . . Seemed to be levelled at me because I was the one who stated to be careful when publicly posting about charging and to be honest because of the head butting Jonathan and I often part take in I could see how narrow minded folks like you could see that has sour grapes.!

Before you ask why I think you Narrow minded then this statement answers that.!

Quote Originally Posted by blackburn mark View Post
It wasn't levelled at you per-say... it was levelled at any "holier than thou" saints who would put stock in moral legitimacy claims on a hobby/favour/slack hand full of dollars under the tax radar for a bit of machining deal.
The only thing Andy, Alex and My self offered was friendly advise based on business experience and not one of us said anything about it being immoral, wrong or gave with an "holier than thou" attitude. To twist this to anything else shows narrow mindedness to me.!!

Quote Originally Posted by blackburn mark View Post
I may have the wrong end of the stick here but getting your knickers in a twist over my post leads me to suspect that there was indeed some spite in your words of advice to Jonathan.
If I am mistaken... one thousand apologies from me with love to you xxx
If I'm not mistaken... what can I say to make you feel better?
Apologies and love accepted buddy because in no way was there any or has ever been spite towards Jonathan in any post of mine that wasn't blantly obvious or said directly to him in my rantings at him. Jonathan and Me regularely exchange information or share knowledge and even components off the forum and you can rest assured if I didn't like, have respect or had spite towards Jonathan I wouldn't give him the "Stink of my dogs business" let alone my precious time.!

Nar it's abit early for guiness buts lets Chill mate and you crack on fiddling the Tax man in confidense I won't grass you or anyone else up. . .Lol