. .
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  1. #41
    The pirated software thing is always a taboo area. However it is rumoured that a certain large CAD package got it's position by releasing cracks themself,
    Or the security built in was pap, beyond pap, and all products from that co, used a similar version, so when the algorithm got cracked, slight adjustments allowed you to crack all there products.

    Although, Sky, virgin and the old ITV pay tv, had an all out war a few years back, sky cracked itvs codes and released them online, ( it sunk them, ) so the old employees released cracks for virgin and sky ( both same-ish ). So everyone had free modems and tv for years.

    Mach, on the other hand, is different, its the Chinees sending out cracked software, Machs a cheep bit pf software and is not be worth the time to crack individually. the hacked versions look like they have some strange added code.

    Lesson to be learnt, your opening yourself up to a lot worse trouble than being done for unlicensed software by installing cracked software. I know this from experience trying to track down a bug in mach a few years ago, and finding out the CHI had added code on top of the crack.

    on the main topic, and had been through a full force tax audit a few years ago ( turn up at house and business, ceased books and pc's ). i found them to be very reasonable, as long as your not taking the mikle.

  2. #42
    Quote Originally Posted by blackburn mark View Post
    How many time do we need to go through this Jazz?
    Mark I was just answering your question below.?
    Quote Originally Posted by blackburn mark View Post
    In that case Jazz, I'm not sure why you are frustrated?
    I did/do take you at your word and I don't think you or anyone is "Full of shit" not even Jonathan.
    Like I say it saddens me that people passing on sensible sound advice should be challenged.! . . End of the Day we are all adults and it's just that "Advice" so people are free to take it or leave it.!!

    Oh and it puts a smile on my slap head face that you "Do not dislike" me because if you hadn't made that clear I couldn't possibly have gone on living. .
    Last edited by JAZZCNC; 01-02-2014 at 06:11 PM.

  3. #43
    Quote Originally Posted by george uk View Post
    on the main topic, and had been through a full force tax audit a few years ago ( turn up at house and business, ceased books and pc's ). i found them to be very reasonable, as long as your not taking the mikle.
    Many years ago they turned up at my friends house and made his life hell for 12 months, to the point that he had a nervous breakdown, and nearly lost his job. They had decided that he was living in an area that was not commensurate with his income.

  4. #44
    Quote Originally Posted by johnsattuk View Post
    Many years ago they turned up at my friends house and made his life hell for 12 months, to the point that he had a nervous breakdown, and nearly lost his job. They had decided that he was living in an area that was not commensurate with his income.
    Yep another Classic Gotcha they watch and look for is exotic Foreign Holidays has it's easy tracked.!. . . . How many "Men in sheds" say I only do it for "Holiday Money" .? . . . . If they are suspicious are have been tipped off they don't just Knock on the door, they sit and watch just like a clever guard dog then they lock there teeth into you.!!

  5. #45
    They had decided that he was living in an area that was not commensurate with his income.
    very similar, i purchased my house at 40k when it valued up at 110k ( 2002 ), off my family as a present. one year on, First day they arrived with warrent, they listed every expensive item in my property, asked me were and when it was purchased, and checked it there and then. I was a property manager and they had mixed up my personal and business accounts, with a client account that had 250k pa going through it, All sorted out eventually.

    I had made some slight filing errors, but i was honest with the tax man, from the start ( admited something inconsequential ). He told me how the fines systems works. If you dont withold anything at the first or subsequent meetings, and provide your full books/reciepts. you will generaly only be fined the same amount as any missing tax. ( as long as its a mistake and you have not tried to deceive them to badley ). Still it was 4 months of hell.

  6. #46
    i will add this because someone mentioned software on here and perhaps its not worth a topic on its own but is something that all cnc machinists should bare in mind in relation to there controllers and software. This is relevant to anyone using a controller card thats assessable to the network, or anyone using windows on any part of there network.

    The Americans and Israelis and us ( uk ), wrote a totlay different type of virus call stuxnet to attack Iran's infrastructure, specifically to attack semen's controllers,motor drivers,VFD and operating systems, through holes in usb/bios/Os backdoors ( holes that the americans forced the co,s to include ). When Iran found it ( many trashed centrifuges later ), they published the code. and i dont think nobody considered the consequences. The way it was coded to move around undetected, and locate targets, and implement itself was new, and still is reasonably untraceable. The first few modules in teh code can be adjusted to vary the attack parameters, the modules that attack the VDF timers arent specific to semens, they mess with teh way the chip calculates/times,


    Because as soon as them craft hackers got hold of it they realised they could use the code to load onto any usb or cd or disk, to find and attack many different types of micro-controllers. A real lot of stuff coming out the east and ru has this coding hidden on it someware, if the cd spins or usb powers the drive, it will infect it without trace. The real problem is it has the capability to infect the routers underground ( infrastructure ), and these arent easy to replace. IE, if it infects ANY machine connected to the same infrastructure point as you ( usualy a few hundered connections ), it will infect all of them. and its only detectable when it activates.

    OK, whats relationship with CNCing

    Because my friend has seen many many different variations on this used to attack American and Chinese products, ( seems like there is some sort of cyber spat on between them ). a lot of the codes seems to be directed towards overheating the chips.

    The point being , be very wary about exposing you cnc computer to the net, any hacked software, and eastern disk. And if it is exposed to the net, dont let your microcontrollers identify themselves ( especially LAN connections ).

  7. #47
    Mark I was just answering your question
    Ah... so you are happy to concede that the assertion that "YOUR" post was being twisted into something it wasn't was in error?
    Why didn't you just say that?.... would have saved a lot of messing around.

    I couldn't possibly have gone on living.
    ?... bit strange... did you smoke something?

  8. #48
    Quote Originally Posted by blackburn mark View Post
    Ah... so you are happy to concede that the assertion that "YOUR" post was being twisted into something it wasn't was in error?
    Why didn't you just say that?.... would have saved a lot of messing around.
    No Not at all but I'm not getting into it anymore so just Fuckoff.!

  9. #49
    No Not at all
    That falsifies your claim that you took me at my word... you cant have both pieces of cake Jazz.

    I'm not getting into it anymore
    That's probably for the best.

    I wouldn't have pressed the issue had you not insisted that I swallow "your" pride.

    so just Fuckoff.!
    Last edited by blackburn mark; 01-02-2014 at 10:13 PM.

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