Well main reason for MDF was lack of metalwork tools and experience, and lots of woodworking tools to hand. Don't have much in the way of a workshop tho - I'll take a photo later as you'll all laugh at it :)

More then happy to look into a metal frame if this is the best way forward, some ballpark cost ideas would be handy as I'm guessing using metal will bump price up. I was looking to maybe start with a dremel or my Trend T4 router as the spindle (especially the Trend if I move towards wood CNC work) as the spindles seem to be a hefty part of the overall costs.

Would be greatful of any assistance with it mind, really don't know what I'll use it for long term but I imagine once I get to grips with a bit of the design software and realise what can be done I would find more and more things to experiment with :)