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  1. #1
    J0HN's Avatar
    Location unknown. J0HN Last Activity: Has a total post count of n/a. Referred 6337 members to the community.

    Just found your site through Google.

    Don't know if this is the right place, but I'm going to have a search through your forum. I was trained as a fiitter, and used those old fashioned lathes and milling machines many years ago. After a few unrelated jobs, I fancy retraining, and having a change in career. So, I'm looking for info on training, advice and help to get started.

    No doubt I'll be pestering with my daft questions!


  2. #2
    J0HN's Avatar
    Location unknown. J0HN Last Activity: Has a total post count of n/a. Referred 6337 members to the community.
    Thank you!

    Quote Originally Posted by MYCNCUK View Post
    if you're building a new machine

  3. #3
    Hi John

    Don't be put off by the automated welcome message, we all got that

    The wonder of CNC is that you can cut curves without a rotary table, the difference is you do all the work before you cut any metal, the learning curve is the software and G-Code, the misery is figuring out what went wrong when for no apparent reason your circles become elipses, the finish is a crock of whatsit or the tool shatters and ploughs off in an unpredictable direction mangling everything it's path


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