. .
  1. #1
    This is driving me nuts. Last night I started wiring up my PSUs, drivers, and motors. All the standard Zapp/MCP kind. Wired everything up as per the diagram provided by MCP. Plugged it in and the PSU has a green light, but the drive has a red one! I have checked my wiring against the note about a hundred times! I tried both series and parallel, tried different drives, different psu. Nothing works!

    This is the wiring I am using:

    A+: Blue + Red
    A-: Blue/white + red/white
    B+: Green + Black
    B-: Black/white + green/white

    Could someone please check the attached pic and tell me what I have done wrong? I have wired these things up before without problem.

    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

Name:	DSC00209.jpg 
Views:	353 
Size:	38.5 KB 
ID:	384  

  2. #2
    Lee Roberts's Avatar
    Lives in Wigan, United Kingdom. Current Activity: Viewing Moderator Control Panel Forum Superstar, has done so much to help others, they deserve a medal. Has been a member for 9-10 years. Has a total post count of 2,920. Received thanks 228 times, giving thanks to others 779 times. Made a monetary donation to the upkeep of the community. Referred 11 members to the community.
    We have seen this problem before, another PSU in parallel with your current PSU should fix the problem.

    Let me know what size PSU you’re using and I’ll give you a price, i would also suggest doing the linking at the motor end as well.

  3. #3
    I don't even know if I want to admit this...

    But as it turns out the problem was the PSU. One of them is a PS407, the other is a PS705. The 705 is rated at 70 something volts, and the drive only takes something like 48 if I remember correctly.

    Anyone want to buy a PS705 unit? :D

    Keith: Indeed I am back home, putting the finishing touches to the machine finally :). The phone was flat, again. You mind if I give you a call tonight? Need some advice on setting up mach if thats alright. Also, I'll need a nice thick table with t slots made up. If you interested in a little work.


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