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  1. #1
    I was thinking about the pulse generator part of the circuit. What about having a small microphone feeding into a high gain op amp with a couple of reverse connected diodes from the output to ground, then another stage to bring it up to 5v.
    If you whistled into the mic then the output from the op amp would be a square wave, we used to make guitar fuzz boxes like this yeas ago.
    Now combined with a direction switch all you would need to do was whistle a note that was proportional to the required speed.
    Last edited by EddyCurrent; 30-04-2014 at 05:07 PM.
    Spelling mistakes are not intentional, I only seem to see them some time after I've posted

  2. #2
    If I weren't bothered by the current limitation I would use a Parker Digiplan PK3, ('cos I have one sitting in a cupboard) 2 buttons and a switch and you have 3 speed travel in both directions. I have also got 3 PK2's in the same dusty cupboard.
    I have been sparked with the idea of building a test rig with a couple of proximity sensors and dial gauges, just to see how fast you can accurately move the axis repeatedly back and fore, using the drivers intended for the final build. For that I would use an arduino to give a fixed number of steps with different rates and accelerations.

    I am retired though, so I haven't got the impetus to get up off my fat arse and do anything

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by cropwell View Post
    I am retired though, so I haven't got the impetus to get up off my fat arse and do anything
    How about the impetus being lifes to short even at advanced age so get your fat lazy arse up and live life before the lights go out.!! . . . . If that don't do it then how about just for the sense of achievement and warm fuzzy feeling it gives.

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by JAZZCNC View Post
    How about the impetus being lifes to short even at advanced age so get your fat lazy arse up and live life before the lights go out.!! . . . . If that don't do it then how about just for the sense of achievement and warm fuzzy feeling it gives.
    Good grief ! you don't arf sound like the missus.
    I spent the morning on hold with BT while they tried to assert there was no network fault. I have to go back to Stuart Akroyd Glass when they have broadband, to set up an IP camera to monitor their furnace control panel.
    I spent my afternoon in the workshop making a header tank stand.
    It's 00:30 and I have just got back from the workshop, setting up a coolant system for my new lathe. Minor problems yet to solve but it is nearly another project ticked off the list.
    As my arthritis progresses, my mobility restrictions frustrate me as I can't do what I want to do at the pace that I want to do it.
    YES I am fat, but you put in the word lazy, not me.
    Actually Dean, I was more expecting to have my idea about the Digiplan blasted.

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by cropwell View Post
    Actually Dean, I was more expecting to have my idea about the Digiplan blasted.
    Wasn't really having ago or blasting at you mostly was bit of fun with slight meaningfullness.!! . . . . I'm probably a little touchy regards not living or folks whinging or whining about what are in the grand scheme of life nothing problems as I've got loved ones living on borrowed time with the Big C, lost familiy and 3 close friends in 3yrs to this Evil disease. . . . So if I was curt then I'm sorry didn't mean to be.!! . . . . . But the message is the Same GET OFF YOUR ARSE before it's too late.!!
    The word Lazy was implied by your definition "get up Off my fat arse" doing nothing "Sloth" is lazyness.!! . . . ("Fuck" I'm sounding like Jonathan now so I'll stop)

    Nah THEN. . Back to this Digiplan Crap. . Lol . . . . Nah I'll leave this one here. .
    Last edited by JAZZCNC; 01-05-2014 at 12:59 PM.

  6. #6
    The easiest solution I can think of is a higher count encoder.

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