. .
  1. #1
    lorenzo0572's Avatar
    Location unknown. lorenzo0572 Last Activity: Has a total post count of n/a. Referred 6338 members to the community.
    Hello Everyone,

    I need you help for a little academic research on CAM CAD software. Here is a little survey you can reply with a thread. Every help will be appreciated.

    Thanks, Lorenzo

    FROM 1 to 5 (1 low / 5 High)
    ex: how satisfied are with your software: 3

    how satisfied are with you software:

    how easy is to use:

    how clear is the user interface:

    how safe do you feel to use it:

    how much would you prefer a different interfaces:

    ex: the software is fine: AGREE

    the software is clear to use from the beginning:

    the software is safe to use:

    the system (hardware+software+position+safety) is easy to use and comfortable:

    I feel confident in working on my own:

    the steps are clear and progressive:

    help guide is easy to consult:

  2. #2
    Hi Lorenzo, I use CAD/CAM package that came with my used commercial CNC router. I am aware that it is expensive, but I was lucky enough to get it with the machine. I use Alphacam (not the latest version)and find that it ticks all the boxes for my own use (2D only). For me it ticks all the boxes and I could only give it maximum points in all areas. G.

  3. #3
    How can it be determined if the software is safe to use ? I can't see any of it being developed to IEC61508 standard for example, what is the required Safety Integrity Level (SIL) for a CNC machine ?
    Last edited by EddyCurrent; 02-05-2014 at 10:51 AM.
    Spelling mistakes are not intentional, I only seem to see them some time after I've posted

  4. #4
    Your survey does not meet the criteria for an academic one as you've asked questions about hardware and working arrangements in what you first stated was a Software Survey.

    2/10 - See Me!

    - Nick

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