Quote Originally Posted by GeoffV View Post

Thank you for your reply and your brave effort trying to defend the indefensible.
No your wrong.! There's nothing to defend. You didn't buy Mach3-Turn they gave it you FREE when you bought Mach3 Mill.!! That's what you paid the license fee for.! . . . . If you had done some research or asked you would have seen Lathe is no longer supported and hasn't been for a very long time.!

$175 the price of Mach3 mill will get you 15mins of a Fanuc's engineers time if your lucky but the Guys at Artsoft will give you pretty much unlimited free support if done correctly even to the point of even writing special code just for your problem if needed( That's how Mach3 got in the mixed up state it's in now) so please don't whinge and try to compare Mach3 to Fanuc controllers and software that cost's £1000's to buy and £100hr service charges.!!

Lets compare apples to apples and unless your a GEEK and prepared to go down the linux route then nothing comes close to Mach3 MILL for the money. If you want lathe then NO don't buy it because it's NOT FOR LATHES.!

So that said when it comes to Lathe then your actually better off going with Linuc CNC so go whinge over there.!!