Sledgehammer -

Meet walnut...

230VAC cap-start induction motor.

Having contacted several places in the UK - and had literally zero replies - the motor (5IK40GN-C) was eventually bought from China (Ningbo Leison Motor Co.) along with a couple of gearboxes (30rpm/60rpm). Great service, gearboxes made to order with no problems or delays whatsoever!

Since buying, I've come across this company:

Who offer very similar motors at prices (once duty and p&p are taken in to account) that are near comparable with what you'd pay buying in from China. Furthermore, the guy in sales knew what he was talking about and responded within minutes.

Anyway, if this project has taught me anything, it's this: "A good electric motor that you want to perform a specific task is going to cost you a bit more than you thought."

Which could well be a Chinese proverb...
