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  1. #1
    Wal's Avatar
    Lives in Stockport, United Kingdom. Last Activity: 31-03-2024 Has been a member for 9-10 years. Has a total post count of 491. Received thanks 71 times, giving thanks to others 29 times.
    >as i would need to bring everything closer but keep machine dimensions similar..

    Ahh - compromise!

    Hey man, reading through the thread I can see you're very keen to get this done, you're having to take a lot on board in a very short space of time and you have the self-belief - all of this is EXCELLENT. You can get something good built for the money you're talking but given that it's your first build, you just can't rush it.


    You can have two of the above..!

    It is possible to over-think things and there does come a time when you have to take the plunge and just start building, but to put things in to perspective - I spent about a year (more, in fact) on my current machine (most of this was going back and forth design wise) and as it stands it weighs over 100KG (without the base) can cut aluminium/brass quite comfortably and accurately (for my needs: ±0.05mm) and has a working area of around 200x200x150mm. I'm happy with it, but there are certainly things I'd do differently if I was making it over again.

    What I'm saying is this - if you head down rush into it you may as well buy one of those machines in your original post. It needn't take you as long as what my build took me, but don't expect to have this done within a few weeks.

    Have a look at how your grandad works - is he any good? I'll bet he works thoughtfully and steadily if he is...

    Just my two cents.


  2. #2
    You are very correct, I have always thought about building a CNC though thought that with £1K i could probably just buy one...then apparently not but then you gus reignited that old idea to build one :)

    Yeah im trying not to rush but i do know I can build a CNC machine, I have designed,built and flown functional autonomous survey UAVS before...I can build a CNC. ...But i see exactly your point... Design amtters allot here, as does money which is why your all concerned im getting ahead of myself which i often seem to be doing but i know when im going beyond my limit. My grandads work is very nice, but when it comes down to his work away from his machinning then its similar, paper and his steel haha. He is currently building a racing lawnmower which he has raced a few times...crazy fun thing but it depends on that job at hand.

    I am getting less done per hour on this than designing a UAV which is simply down to the fact this is all totally new for me hence spending more while geting less done.

    Hope i dont seem groggy haha, Just want a solid design so i can get the price list sorted...

  3. #3
    Check out the other builds and find something similer that works
    CNC routing and prototyping services www.cncscotland.co.uk


  4. #4
    Can I just say you clearly haven't been doing much research despite your claims that you have.? Why because if you had been looking carefully you wouldn't have made so many errors regards mounting things and the COCKUP with ballscrew running thru those supports shows this clearly.!

    Your just wasting time at the moment because your not looking at the details and it's the details that matter most. Anybody can fudge together an outline of a CNC machine but building one requires certain Details are 100% correct and your not seeing them because you haven't looked/read closely enough at other builds. Asking questions is good an I encourage it but asking questions that are clearly in other threads that you have been advised to read is just lazy or you haven't done what you said you had.!!

    I'll give you this one last bit of info which you should have seen from other builds then I'm not giving anymore I see which should have been obvious in other threads pointed out to you.!!

    15mm wide timing belts, HTD series 5mm pitch no less than 18T pulleys because there isn't enough material left on boss for decent Grub screws after boring, plus better tooth engagement. I use 20T all the time when 1:1 ratio and 18/36 when 2:1

    Now go back to reading other threads and start paying attention to the details.!!

  5. #5
    The cockup with the ballscrew going through the vertical box sections was a stupid mistake because i was tired...this is CAD..i can make a silly error when im half awake...

    In terms of asking questions and reading through other build logs, I have done reseach, maybe not to you exacting needs but done what i consider an acceptbale amount. Things like puley dimensions, im nt going to go rolling thourhg everything an read 99% of things that are all disimportant to me when in 30 minutes one of you guys who knows what your talking about and are being helpful can let me know... now of course,someone could perceive that as lazy...but then how would forums like this be created without that form of contact between members.

    Just want to be able to build a good machine, So far you have all helped significantly...redesigning the gantry at the moment. Im not being all 'I know better' which there are a few people like that on most forums of any sort... I changed the whole table layout, gantry and am now redesigning the gantry all together... Your advice so far Jazz has been top notch stuff so dont be upset with me for recognising you know what your doing thus having me(a complete novice in this field) come to you and other experienced members questions you may have already answered before.

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by FlyHighRC View Post
    In terms of asking questions and reading through other build logs, I have done reseach, maybe not to you exacting needs but done what i consider an acceptbale amount. Things like puley dimensions, im nt going to go rolling thourhg everything an read 99% of things that are all disimportant to me when in 30 minutes one of you guys who knows what your talking about and are being helpful can let me know... now of course,someone could perceive that as lazy...but then how would forums like this be created without that form of contact between members.
    Exactly the problem with young people of today.!! . . .They want everything handed on a plate and they want it NOW.

    Others and I are not telling you to go away and read other threads because we don't want to answer your questions which we've answered hundreds of times before.! It's about gaining insight and knowledge of what's required and why they choose the parts they did and also the Cockup's they made(if there honest) along learning what makes a GOOD CNC machine tick.
    I'm long in the tooth at this game and I've seen and dealt with every type of person/builder and by far the ones who make the best machines with least trouble are those that put in the research and gained the knowledge plus listen before putting pen to paper. Your on a Budget and I can 100% guarantee that if you don't put in the time to research properly how things work and fit together you'll blow that budget out the water.

    You are being Lazy by the very fact your asking simple questions that should have been clear if you'd read other threads. It's exacting details that you need to look at because while modelling is great tool for design it's only as good as the detail put into it. When the build begins then the bullshit stops and it's here you realise that because you didn't pay attention to details and model them into your design you suddenly find the Gantry won't move like you thought because you just generlised the part in CAD and now it won't clear this or that.!!

    I'm not being high handed here or youth bashing I'm trying to pass on valuable hard learnt experience and Like Wal say's I'll bet your grandad never rushed a single part of his steam engine and I'll also 100% guarantee he did extensive research and took very careful measurements before making any part of it.!!
    Last edited by JAZZCNC; 07-06-2014 at 02:00 PM.

  7. #7
    Id rather make the plate... ;)

    I am taking it all on... As he noticed i do want a machine up and running asap but thats because I need a CNC to help develop a Survey UAv that is designed for my fathers 3D visualisation company. Thats why I want it quick, never mentioned that because its never been relevant until someone calls me up on it!

    Maybe, But its helped me quicker... The noly thing I havent learnt much about so far is the elctronics but im going to make the decision that they arent all that different from 3D printer elctronics exacept maybe bigger supplies etc...

    My main concern in building this machine is the electronics, I hate them. Do my head in! Im studying Aeronautical & Mechnical Engineering at Uni with a Electronics module...swear to god its magic!
    Last edited by FlyHighRC; 07-06-2014 at 02:35 PM.

  8. #8
    Oh dear, I think we might be going through another 12 pages of posts on the electronics. Router electronics are to 3D printer electronics as F1 cars are to go-karts. The principles are the same but...

  9. #9
    If this is approved Ill Take this over as a build Log :)

  10. #10
    How are you getting the steel the rails are sitting on flat? If you're going the epoxy route you might want to give consideration ax to how you're going to get the joining bridge between the rails?

    Sent from my Galaxy S5

    Build log...here

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