Quote Originally Posted by JAZZCNC View Post
If this is a small square then chances are your going to fast. Like Neale says chances are your working in CV mode(G64)(constant velocity) which is the same as saying Don't slow down for this corner and keep same speed.!! Then me saying NO WAY am I going to get round that corner at that speed so I'm cutting the corner otherwise we'll crash & burn.! . . . . Well that's what Mach3 is doing to fulfill your request of keeping a constant velocity.!

So your choices are go slower or change the CV mode to Exact stop(G61).! Now problem with Exact stop mode is that it will pause at every start and end point of every line or arc segmant and often CAM software create there arc's using lots of tiny lines and this makes the machine judder like crazy.!
So mostly CV(G64) is used unless Small squares are needed.

Now there are some settings in Mach3 general Config to control CV so it is stopped on angles greater than you choose. If you go to Artsoft web site there is a tutorial on how to set CV. It's a bit hit n miss and does depend on the type of work your doing but you can tweak it to your liking with a bit of trial and error.

Thank you for your help.