I am totally new to CNC haven't got a clue where to start.I would like to build a machine that would allow me to mill my own cooling blocks and heat sinks for my computer and such ....(you can stop laughing now) am i barking up the wrong tree thinking i could do this with a home made cnc machine?

Obliviously cost is a big issue thats why i have chosen to self build i find i learn more that way,i have been watching builds on youtube and the internet but most seen to be state side and sourcing the materials to build seem to be an issue for us on the side of the pond.

I would like to know which parts should i buy /or make first.
And generally were to start I don't think i need a big machine as the parts i want to make would be small.

any advice would be much appreciated (i not asking to be spoon feed just pointed in the right direction)

I shall document each step of the way for future newbies like myself

thanks in advance for you help.
