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  1. #11
    Looks good to me, recommend you cut some extra cooling slots in the drive motor cover as the motor is prone to over heating. I also added a gas strut to to the "Z" axis which improved the lifting and lowering of the head.

  2. #12
    Quote Originally Posted by Kered View Post
    What type of gas strut did you use? the type sean on say hatchback cars to lift the tailgate or something different, I have a similar machine but 1000w brushless motor and the change from H to L is manual as my machine is belt driven. its an HBM bf28 profi. All still manual other than a jury rigged x feed i put together. The Z axis is heavy to wind manually so I'm thinking struts would help till i get it converted.

    Hi Derek
    Yes I found the head very stiff in use and I was concerned that the stepper motor would have problems, this is the gas strut I fitted http://www.wdscomponents.com/en-gb/g...50/c-340/p-887 you will need to slect the best lenght for you mill
    It has a valve to adjust the gas pressure so you can balance the strut against the weight of the head. the system has been fitted for about 6 years now and is working very well.

    Hope this helps


  3. #13
    Recently finished mine.
    No struts needed. Since the image I'm using 8 wire steppers wired in parallel (slightly better inductance values).
    Nema34's all round created too much resonance and turns out you don't need that much of a motor on all axis.
    Z Nema34 1090oz/in.
    X&Y Nema23 566oz/in.
    All running on 60V power supplies, DQ0860MA stepper drivers.
    5mm pitch DFU1605 screws, drivers at 2000 per rev and Mach3 at 400 rev per unit.

    Furthest I've gone so far with rapids are 2000mm/min Z and 2500mm/min X&Y with acceleration at 500. I don't need any more than that tbf.
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	P1030929edit.jpg 
Views:	295 
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ID:	28053

    If I'm honest the Z stepper driver could do with more than 60V to it to get more velocity. It doesn't go much more than 2000mm and remains freezing cold even set at max current. Voltage means velocity, current refers to torque.
    The 23's came alive on 60V.
    Last edited by dazp1976; 04-05-2020 at 11:59 AM.

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