. .
  1. #1
    Hi guys,

    I tried to reset in Mach3 and then Reference all home and it came up with thefollowing msg, "Requested home axis home switch is active please fix thenhome" I am guessing something has been altered by me by accident. I haveno idea here.

    One other thing I would like to ask those of you that will know is how is whenI go end session it states "Fixture save" yes or no if this could beexplained that would be handy.

    Many thanks in advance for any help


  2. #2
    Well first obvious thing is to make sure the home switch isn't tripped.
    Next go to diagnostics and see which axis M1, 2 or 3 Home led is lit up. Then go to Ports N pins and select inputs, find the axis which is lit and change the active low state of the pin. So if green tick change to X and vise versa.
    This should fix your problem.
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	home_diag.jpg 
Views:	307 
Size:	529.6 KB 
ID:	13428

    The Fixture save refers to saving the WORK OFFSET for the FIXTURE OFFSET your using at the time. In most cases you'll be using G54 which is the default Offset.
    If you save this fixture offset It saves the WORK COORDINATE relative to MACHINE COORDINATE for the FIXTURE OFFSET your using IE G54.
    This means that when you next start Mach3 then after Referencing the machine to HOME position you can get back to the Last used WORK ZERO Position used in that FIXTURE OFFSET.
    So lets say your Working in G54 OFFSET and you set the WORK ZERO 50mm in from bottom left corner of machine table. Then when you restart Mach and home then type G0 x0 Y0 it will go to this point 50mm from edge. Now lets say you want to cut another completely differant part at same time on same table out of differant piece of material. How do you know the distance from Machine Zero to the start Zero coordinate for the second part.? . . . .You don't and don't need to.?
    In this case you apply a Differant WORK OFFSET IE G55 and designate completely separate WORK ZERO coordinate for that OFFSET. Both OFFSETS are Referenced from MACHINE ZERO so each part can have it's own WORK ZERO in differant parts of the table.

    This means you can combine separate G-code program files into one file and just separate the 2 G-codes with it's own OFFSET number. So after first part ends just put G55 before next part starts and now your WORK Zero is at that point on table you selected for that OFFSET.
    OFFSETS are saved in a FIXTURE OFFSET table so can recalled at any time by using it's OFFSET number.

    Hope this long winded reply explains ok.
    Last edited by JAZZCNC; 24-09-2014 at 01:22 AM.

  3. #3
    It's possible the bob inputs are seeing a blip from the switches caused by noise perhaps, too fast for you to see. If you go to the Mach3 Ports & Pins / General Config page, at the top right is a setting for, 'Input Signal Debounce/Noise rejection', it will likely be set to zero, try entering a number to see if that helps, the general idea is to have the lowest number in there that works.
    Last edited by EddyCurrent; 24-09-2014 at 10:31 AM.
    Spelling mistakes are not intentional, I only seem to see them some time after I've posted

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by EddyCurrent View Post
    at the top right is a setting for, 'Input Signal Debounce/Noise rejection', it will likely be set to zero, try entering a number to see if that helps, the general idea is to have the lowest number in there that works.
    No don't do this unless you really have to.!! . . . . It's a last resort thing and you should find the cause first if possible. Which will be poor earthing or wiring.? . . . . I doubt it's that anyway if it's tripped all the time because noise doesn't do this it's an intermitant thing is noise and tends to happen while working or spindle running not stood still and mostly to affects limits more than home switches. If noise is affecting Home switches then you have a decent problem so needs fixing and de-bounce isn't the cure.!

  5. #5
    Hi Jazz and Eddy

    Many thank to both of you for the help. I think it was an E-stop of issue ofsome type. Something let me to the e-stop and it seemed to solve the issue, Ihope there is not a fault on the way with it.

    Thanks again and happy machining


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