I'm just finishing my cheapskate's CNC build....the last thing I need to kludge is a Dremel tool mount for the Z plane.

I intend designing my own Dremel mount (unless someone has already done this & can supply the G-Code - It's a Dremel 300!).

Today, I had my first trial run with a 3mm endmill in my Dremel, which I'd clamped to the Z plane. Truthfully, it was all information overload, but ultimately I was sh*tting myself that the endmill was going to snap leaving me with it embedded in my cheek! So this got me pondering....

So as not to end up with a shiny 3mm endmill embedded in my cheek, what type of ...

1. Dremel RPM
2. feed rates (mm per minute)
3. Maximum depth per run

.....should I be using, so as not to stress the tool.

This will be with 12mm MDF.