. .
  1. #1

    I'm very new to Rhino 5 and also very green to 3d drawings

    I have bought a stl file to cut on my home made cnc spindle cutter with cut3d now
    when I import the stl file into Rhino I can only see the out line with no detail that is visible in my cam program (cut3d).
    The main reason I'm trying rhino 5 is to add text to a banner within the drawing. With a ultimate goal of drawing my own bas relief drawings and bowls.
    I would like also guidance on how to add text to the banner
    here is the screen shots of what I can see in my cam program

    This is what I can see in Rhino 5

    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Untitled-2.jpg 
Views:	844 
Size:	69.9 KB 
ID:	14562   Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Untitled-1.jpg 
Views:	863 
Size:	77.0 KB 
ID:	14561  

  2. #2
    First of all are you sure the Vectric software you have cannot do this ?

    When you get it loaded into Rhino it will look like the yellow object you show above.
    Click on empty space in the top right window (perspective) then click on the dropdown arrow beside the word Perspective and click on 'Rendered'
    It should now look like it does in Vectric.

    Using the text tool write some text and posion it so it's above the stl object, make sure it will fit, don't let it overlap into space.

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	rhino1.jpg 
Views:	396 
Size:	73.7 KB 
ID:	14563

    Now select the stl object so it turns yellow and select 'Project' from the menu;

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	rhino2.jpg 
Views:	418 
Size:	92.2 KB 
ID:	14564

    Now select the text you want to project and press Enter, you should end up like this;

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	rhino3.jpg 
Views:	412 
Size:	121.7 KB 
ID:	14565

    If not then look on YouTube or the web for instruction on Curve Project
    Last edited by EddyCurrent; 30-01-2015 at 03:56 PM.
    Spelling mistakes are not intentional, I only seem to see them some time after I've posted

  3. #3
    This should be very easy to import and manipulate in vectric software. open your file, type the text you want, you can type within a bounding box if you wish to keep the text within that area for consistent size, also the text is resized if you alter the bounding box. One you have your text right size all you have to do is use the distort object option and make sure you choose the bounding box option the select the top and bottom parts of the distort bounding box and press b to change to bezier curves and manipulate the handles to change the shape of the text to match the shape of the banner and that's it.

    Very quick and easy in Aspire.


  4. #4
    Yes that's what I thought, I did asked the question.
    The OP said he has this software, so no Aspire but maybe the others can do it ?

    Punch Viacad
    Vcarve pro 6
    Spelling mistakes are not intentional, I only seem to see them some time after I've posted

  5. #5
    Yes no Aspire just
    Punch Viacad
    Vcarve pro 6
    and cut3d

    sadly vcarve is only able to draw/design text on a flat surface

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