Quote Originally Posted by Jess View Post
You are the one who is making claims about the performance of motion controls you've not tested simply on the basis that you've used other motion controls that happen to have the same connector on them.
FYI with exception of a few Cheap Chinese rubbish USB controllers not worth the effort I've tested and used all Motion control cards that work with Mach3. Because after all we are talking, or I am, about expereices using Motion control cards working with Mach3 and not about the Protocol used to do this. I don't give a toss if I used a piece of string to Talk to Machine in Klingon so long as it's stable and reliable in use. My Experience with USB and Mach3 hasn't been good or stable regardless of Device Supplier or PC.

Regards the Sieg USB device if that's what your refering to as the " Untested" then Chances are it's using one I've already tested or some variant.
I could with a quick phone call findout exactly what or who's device it uses as one of the main developers of the Sieg machines I know quite well.! . . . . Chances are he is the one doing the support in UK.!