Quote Originally Posted by Blackrat View Post
the electronics on that machine is 100% junk ... sorry thats just my feeling :S ive had the same controller and it simply didn't work

i cant figure out what that part is you making ?

Hmm, that was my concern. But hardware wise - would it be ok? Could I put a different control unit in there? (how? haha)

That particular thing isn't a part at all. It was a concept for a cycling multi-tool - spanners and a single screwdriver. Having not made it I would imagine it was flawed due to the thin walls on the spanners, but thats beside the point. Its pleasing to the eye and a good test for the mill because of the angles and the intricacy of the screwdriver tip. Im sure it would be do-able on a 3-axis. I just think i need a 4-axis at least for my actual products.

If you like it ill send you one once I have the damn mill :P