. .
  1. #1
    Hi guys,

    I am looking for an application that can build a model from a photograph.
    I have seen apps before that use point to point technique but for the life of me I can't remember the name of the software!
    I was speaking to a guy that laser engraves 3d images into crystal blocks and he told me that he uses a program based on this method.
    He couldn't remember the name of his program when I was talking to him but I suspect that he may see me as a competitor!
    As it happens, I have no interest in cramping his crystal market. I just want to use the models to cut on my cnc.
    Any advice would be greatly appreciated!

    Kevin C.

  2. I've used 123D Catch, available as a free service on the Internet. I took a bunch of photographs of a model badger and managed to turn them into a mesh model that I could use to rout a wooden replica of part of the original. It wasn't as easy as the instructions suggest, but it was my first attempt. Worth a look, though.

    Alternatively, are you looking for a variation on the lithophane process? This takes light and shade from a single picture and turns it into corresponding depth of cut. Quite effective using translucent materials. Vectric PhotoVCarve is one option for this - they have demo versions available, I believe.
    Last edited by Neale; 29-10-2015 at 06:36 PM.

  3. #3
    Hi Neale,

    Thanks for this.

    I have tried 123d catch and I think it is rubbish.
    I looked at Photo V-carve and whilst it looks good, it is not what I need.
    The program I will be spending my hard-earned's on is FaceGen.
    Super simple to use and has superb results.
    Perfect for my needs!

    Enjoy y'all!


  4. A fairly specialised requirement, then! 123Dcatch doesn't live up to the hype on the website but I'll probably have another go at it some time as it can be persuaded to work. I did try it with a head once, but whether it was that my model wouldn't stay still or poor background or inadequate photographs, I don't know.
    Good luck.

  5. #5
    have a look at simpleart not expensive i think about £25.00
    even i get it work

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