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  1. #1
    Ihave a mill that was Fanuc controlled. It still has the Fanuc AC servos fitted, and I'd quite like to keep AC servos on the machine, and run it using MACH3.

    From the info on there website it looks like the CNCdrive AC servo drive will run the Fanuc servo ok (just might need to change the encoder to a standard 2500ppr one)

    It looks like CNCdrive do all the parts needed (including an industrial PC) and at very good prices, but there doesn't seem to be much about them on any of the forums.

    Would like to know if their stuff is any good and if anyone has any experience of it??

  2. #2
    Lee Roberts's Avatar
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    Hi Gatesy,

    Did you get any feedback on this?


  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by Lee Roberts View Post
    Hi Gatesy,

    Did you get any feedback on this?

    Lee are things slipping thru the Trending section because I didn't even see this post.? . . . .Maybe a bit more Trending lines.?


    Yes I've used there products several times, but not AC servo drives.! The quality is good and they are very helpful people who know there stuff so I wouldn't hesitate to recommended there products based on my experience of products so far.

    Drop them an email with spec of your Fanuc motors and they will guide you.

  4. #4

    The only reply to my question is the one from jazzcnc


    Ok thanks, will do. Have you tried their uccnc software? The prices for all their parts seems to be very competitive

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by gatesy View Post

    Ok thanks, will do. Have you tried their uccnc software? The prices for all their parts seems to be very competitive
    Yes I tried the first 1.0 release and it was Ok-ish but lacked some features (Didn't support Uc300). The newer Release's however have made some Big improvements but I haven't yet had chance to test it yet on a machine.

    One thing I will say and just be aware I'm big Mach3 user with lot of experience so kind of artsoft thru and thru.!! I thought Brain and Artsoft's support took some beating for low priced software but the direct support from Cncdrive is better.!!
    I'm very active on other Forums and I see they are more active on forums and reply directly to people problems which like often the case turns out to be user setup error.
    They are honest and don't sweep any valid issues under the carpet and try to resolve them or explain clearly why it can't be done. Often they seem to have it fixed or implemented in the next update.

    To me this level of feedback and support is very important and will make me stick with something when it's not quite right in the hope it does become right or better in future releases. Hence why I stuck with Mach3 and such a fan. (Notice I don't mention M4.!!)

    Now I'm too far into Mach3 to dump it because I have it on many machines which use Motion control cards that are Plug-in based. I also support a lot of people who use it and have the same Plug-in needs.
    However with the latest UcCnc release supporting some nice improvements, one being Encoder feedback for spindle. I will be using it on a Lathe conversion I'm doing.
    I may also try it on Big mill because it will allow easy spindle orientation for ATC and ridged tapping. Both things not easily or cheaply done with other controllers costing much more money.

    So ye given the low price go for it is what I'm saying. .
    Last edited by JAZZCNC; 18-11-2015 at 11:14 AM.

  6. #6
    Ok thanks.

    I did think that given the price I'd just go for it and try it. Most people I know use MACH3, and seem to like it but all say it is a bit slow to respond when jogging manually.

    Just need to find an expert on AC servo motors now, as to keep and use the Fanuc ones, or buy some from cncdrive

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by gatesy View Post
    Just need to find an expert on AC servo motors now, as to keep and use the Fanuc ones, or buy some from cncdrive
    What model number are the servos.? Doubt they will be any different to any other servo. Will just be 3 phases on one cable. Encoder on other.
    You'll just need to know what type of encoder ie Incremental or Absolute. If absolute then you may need to change for incremental.
    If incremental but single ended signals ie: common Gnd then you will need to either buy or make a line driver to turn into differential signals.
    Older Single ended encoders tend to be low count so may want to change for differential encoders with higher count and save the hassle of line driver and increase resolution.

    If Inc and Diff encoders then it's just case of knowing the pin outs and line count and your sorted.!
    Last edited by JAZZCNC; 19-11-2015 at 10:23 AM.

  8. #8
    they are A06B-0521-B042 3ph 8 pole, 2000rpm, 1Nm stall torque, 3 amp stall torque, 47v. 2500 pulse incremental encoder.

    As you say can't imagine any different to any other servo, but I can't find a datasheet giving details like inertia and how much power is generated when braking

    Having looked at the offering on various trade sites such as alibaba they have new 200v ac servos and drives for not a lot of money direct from china, which do not need a separate power supply, and should I wish to upgrade in the future they accept a 10v supply rather than step/direction. Buying one of these should be a plug and play setup, whereas trying to get the Fanuc servos up and running without the relevant info could be a lot of hassle.

    Alternatively I could get some AC servos and drives from CNCdrive for not a lot of money, which are also 48V.

    I have tried contacting CNCdrive twice about their servos and drives, as to if they offer a 2500 line encoder instead of 1000 line, and if their drive will support this, or if they know if it will run a fanuc servo but have had no response. Doing the calcs though with a 1000line encoder which is their standard fitment it still gives me a resolution of 0.0025 which is more than enough.

    Is there any advantage going to a 200v servo over 48v, apart from not needing a separate power supply? The 10v input is not important at the moment, as I have another machine that I could fit the step/dir input drivers too, and upgrade this machine at some point in the future

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by gatesy View Post
    Having looked at the offering on various trade sites such as alibaba they have new 200v ac servos and drives for not a lot of money direct from china, which do not need a separate power supply, and should I wish to upgrade in the future they accept a 10v supply rather than step/direction. Buying one of these should be a plug and play setup, whereas trying to get the Fanuc servos up and running without the relevant info could be a lot of hassle.
    Yes given the fact of not knowing the spec's etc then it would make sense given the prices. Not sure if you saw my Mill post where I recently bought some of these Cheap chinese Servos if not it's here take a look. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tW8knRAOr7s
    So far just on the bench I'm very happy with them considering the price but time will tell when on machine.

    Quote Originally Posted by gatesy View Post
    Alternatively I could get some AC servos and drives from CNCdrive for not a lot of money, which are also 48V.

    I have tried contacting CNCdrive twice about their servos and drives, as to if they offer a 2500 line encoder instead of 1000 line, and if their drive will support this, or if they know if it will run a fanuc servo but have had no response. Doing the calcs though with a 1000line encoder which is their standard fitment it still gives me a resolution of 0.0025 which is more than enough.
    Reading the Drives data they are more than capable of handling 2500ppr encoders so can't see why not. But to be honest I'm not a fan of those plastic encoders they use(if used on there AC motors.?) and by the time you have bought decent encoders then the motors and drives you'll be at more money than the Chinese setup's delivered. For instance £250 will get you 200v/400W servo drive and motor with Encoder cables deliverd to Uk.!!

    Quote Originally Posted by gatesy View Post
    Is there any advantage going to a 200v servo over 48v, apart from not needing a separate power supply?
    Honest answer is I don't know to what or if an advantage.!! . . . I would imagine they make for a stronger motor because the higher voltage will allow more push so to speak and the obvious advantage of not needing separate voltage source. But honestly I don't care provided they work and are easy to fit which they clearly do and are.!

    Quote Originally Posted by gatesy View Post
    The 10v input is not important at the moment, as I have another machine that I could fit the step/dir input drivers too, and upgrade this machine at some point in the future
    Not sure what your meaning here because if you have Step/Dir drives fitted already then surely your Controller must be Step/Dir output.?

    Most Modern Servo's allow Both Step/Dir and Analog inputs but the controller must support them and provide +/-10v output that servos input use.!
    Last edited by JAZZCNC; 22-11-2015 at 12:40 PM.

  10. #10
    No I'll take a look. But to me pretty much all the cheaper servos look the same! Quite a few UK based companies are selling cheaper servos and they all look the same as the chinese ones to me, and I expect they are the same thing.

    That was my thoughts as well, I didn't like the look of the plastic encoders either, and with 48v would mean I'd have to buy a power supply for them as well, which all starts to add up.

    At the moment I have no control. My intention was to go with MACH3 or UCCNC, and use the CNCdrive BOB and motion controller, and at some point in the future as and when funds allow, might upgrade to a Centroid CNC control, which outputs +/-10v to the servo drives.

    I'll have to have a look at the chinese offerings I think and go from there, with CNCdrive motion control I think

    Many thanks for the help and advice

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