. .
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  1. #11
    Ok I'm sorry I made a mistake, the low resistance of the primary side was coming from my body --', so here are the measurements using a ohmmeter set to 1k ohms:

    primary: no resistance
    black+red = high resistance
    orange+yello = high resistance
    black+yellow = no resistance
    red+orange = no resistance

    That fuse you are talking about, is it possible to replace it as mentioned by @uli12us ?
    Last edited by eurikain; 13-12-2015 at 11:59 AM.

  2. #12
    What do you mean by "no resistance" and "high resistance" ? I would expect to see less than 10 ohms between the Blue and Brown on the primary. I would also expect to see less than 3 ohms between the Red and Black as well as the Yellow and Orange. Can you let us know the actual values you are seeing.

  3. eurikain Follow Graeme instructions to the letter one step at a time. The fuse he was talking about would be the one you have installed not the one inside the transformer (if that has gone send it back under guarantee) .
    I will butt out now as too many cooks spoil the broth and I am sure Graeme knows what he is doing.
    The more you know, The better you know, How little you know

  4. #14
    Quote Originally Posted by Graeme View Post
    What do you mean by "no resistance" and "high resistance" ? I would expect to see less than 10 ohms between the Blue and Brown on the primary. I would also expect to see less than 3 ohms between the Red and Black as well as the Yellow and Orange. Can you let us know the actual values you are seeing.
    I happen to have a meter that does not have a digital display but just an indicator. I will go borrow my friend's ohmmeter to have better readings this afternoon.

    The meter sends 1000 ohms, so if the measured resistance is supposed to be 3 ohms, it is nearly impossible to see the indicator move. But fr the "high" voltage, I see it easily as the indicator goes to the maximum value. Do you understand what I mean ?
    Last edited by eurikain; 13-12-2015 at 01:17 PM.

  5. #15
    Alright, just got the digital meter. Here is what I measured:

    Primary 230V: 0 ohm resistance
    red+black = stable 5 ohms, peeks at 20-40 ohms (probably due the the meter ?)
    orange+yellow = stable 5 ohms, peeks at 10-30 ohms (again, most likely due to the meter)
    red+orange = 0 ohms
    black + yellow = 0 ohms

    Verdict ?

    EDIT: @Graeme
    I had not set up a fuse for the transformer. I only have fuses between the drives and the screw terminals.
    Last edited by eurikain; 13-12-2015 at 01:50 PM.

  6. Quote Originally Posted by eurikain View Post
    Alright, just got the digital meter. Here is what I measured:

    Primary 230V: 0 ohm resistance
    red+black = stable 5 ohms, peeks at 20-40 ohms (probably due the the meter ?)
    orange+yellow = stable 5 ohms, peeks at 10-30 ohms (again, most likely due to the meter)
    red+orange = 0 ohms
    black + yellow = 0 ohms

    Verdict ?

    EDIT: @Graeme
    I had not set up a fuse for the transformer. I only have fuses between the drives and the screw terminals.
    OK with the absence of Greame to save you time I think you are reading the meter incorrect in that the primary is open circuit ie infinity resistance and not 0. Does the meter have a continuity range? (ie if you short the meter leads together to make a buz) . if so does it buz when you connect it across the primary?
    So you will have to send the transformer back.
    Last edited by Clive S; 13-12-2015 at 03:15 PM.
    The more you know, The better you know, How little you know

  7. #17
    Yes it does have such a position :) Let me check :))

  8. #18
    Touching the meter pins together creates beeeeeeep.

    no beep

    red+black = beep
    yellow+orange = beep
    red+orange | red+yellow | black+yellow | black+orange = no beep

  9. Quote Originally Posted by eurikain View Post
    Touching the meter pins together creates beeeeeeep.

    no beep

    red+black = beep
    yellow+orange = beep
    red+orange | red+yellow | black+yellow | black+orange = no beep
    That confirms it the primary is open circuit so see if you can send it back under guarantee.
    What you have done is put a dead short across the secondary and burnt the primary out. Next time put a fuse in.
    Its called a learning curve so don't get disheartened.
    The more you know, The better you know, How little you know

  10. #20
    :'( Oh well.. I will call rapidonline tomorrow morning, see what we can do.
    Where am I supposed to put that fuse you are talking about ? Can you show a wiring diagram ? How many amps does it need to be ?

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