I am positive we will get to the other side of this problem and laugh about how simple it was, but we not there yet!
jazz I have put the drive back to the default settings with the dip switches and the rotary pot and disconnected the ENA and ALM terminals, I only connected these because I thought the motor wasn't moving as it needed a enable signal.(for info only)
and the axes are enabled on Mach and the pins are set to 0,
there is the green led on the drive, the red led is off and I have never had it on whilst buggering about,
so all I have connected is the 72vdc the 0v the A+,A-,pul+ and pul-
Going to the terminals on the csmio 1,2,14 and 15.
so I try to move with the Mach screen MPG, then the CS labs MPG and then the arrows on the keyboard and all three result in the DRO on Mach responding but no motor or mechanical movement.

if the phases are wired wrong would it still move but be ruff in movement or not move at all?
thanks guys,
chris w.