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  1. #1
    Hello guys, I have got to the stage of setting Mach 3 ports and pins and I have hit a brick wall with what to try next, I am not seeing any led status at all on the diagnostic page I have checked the wiring drawing against my wiring.
    i have only wired up the x axis so not to cause too much magic smoke! I can hear the motor buzz when I run auto configure but that doesn't mean that it's right, but I reckon it is good.
    i have dir- pin14, dir+ pin1, pul- pin15, pul+ pin2 on the steps/direction outputs on the csmio/ips
    i am using leadshine em806 drivers, for info only.
    i am struggling to understand the "port" selection but I do believe it's only setting that is stopping me, if anyone can let me have any amount of info that would help greatly,

  2. #2
    Chaz's Avatar
    Lives in Ickenham, West London, United Kingdom. Last Activity: 5 Days Ago Has been a member for 9-10 years. Has a total post count of 1,624. Received thanks 113 times, giving thanks to others 70 times.
    I found the CS Labs documentation good. Have you followed it?

  3. #3
    Yes I keep going over the info to make sure I didn't miss or misinterpret anything I just don't get the port numbers, they mention a few times that the pin is output/ input number and not the PIN number on the 25 pin D connector which I think I understand, but I don't see where the port numbers get chosen or decided.
    on the special settings I see that x is 0, y is 1...... But the "port" settings don't reflect this on examples on the internet this is why I question my settings.
    every time I alter anything I try the axis just by chance I have altered the right thing but this takes time,

  4. #4
    Ok here what you need to do and the pins. They way the Cslabs unit treats Axis is different to mach standard way of doing things so don't take any notice of Mach manual or things you see on internet unless for the Cslabs units.

    IP-S plugin uses Channels and by default X axis is channel 0 which translates to pins Dir(+)=1,Dir(-)=14, Step(+)=2,Step(-)=15
    So if you want to change X axis to Y axis then you change X to Channel 1. This will now use pins 3,4,16,17 for X axis.
    All this is done in the Plug-in Config.

    Now where things differ completely from Mach3 standard way is that in the Motor outputs section in ports n pins the ONLY thing you need to do is ENABLE each axis.
    None of the other settings matter ie: ports etc with the exception of Step Active low which 99% of time you don't need to touch.
    Only time you will change this is if the Step pulse edge on your drives is set to wrong side the Control is expecting. The way to test this is to run some A to B moves and check the axis comes back to the same place. If it's set wrong you'll lose one step for every direction change and it won't return to same place.
    In which case you have 2 options.! #1 change the Pulse edge in the drive settings #2 Toggle the Step active low.

    Now regards Inputs and Outputs if they are not working it's most likely because you haven't set the Port setting to port10.
    After this then all you have to remember is that Inputs start at #0 so pin1 = Input(0) (+) so in Mach Inputs for instance say setting E-stop and using pin1 on the terminal connecter means your actually using Input(0) so in Pin option set to (0) not pin 1.

    With Outputs then it works slightly different to how you do Inputs. They are arranged in Banks of 4 with each having 24V & 0V pins and Outputs starting at 0 -3. Ie Output (0) = Pin2
    Each bank has 24v & 0V pins then there respective outputs will have there own output number which is different to the actual pin number on the terminal block.

    In Mach again you use the Output Number not the Pin number.

    Hope this helps.
    Last edited by JAZZCNC; 04-01-2016 at 12:31 AM.

  5. #5
    Hi jazz thanks for the input, I get the channel per axis gives a set of fixed pins for that axis,
    why do I only need to enable the axis does system then "find" the pins used and alter the settings or do the boxes remain at 0??
    in motor outputs x is enabled and step port and dir port are set to 10 and there is sod all from the motor but Mach readout thinks it's moving,
    so I alter the x axis channel to 1 (which auto disables y axis) and then move my wires (cat 6 I using 2 pairs info only) to the set of fixed pins for the y axis and still nothing.

    i also have 24v to terminal 1 on digital inputs and terminal 5 goes to the ALM+ terminal on the drive,
    then I have 24v to terminal 1 on digital outputs and terminal 2 goes to ENA+ on the drive.
    i checked the voltage is good but there is no led on the csmio or the diagnostic screen on Mach, should there be a led lit showing me it's connected??

    is it a possibility that I have fried summat on the input 0 to 15 side if there is no visual indication??

    on the inputs I tried setting #1 to #4 to enable and the ports to 10, with no difference.

    and I been doing the same on the outputs but only altering 2 at a time and watching the diagnostic page for changes,and testing the axis with the Mach screen MPG,
    sorry for the long reply but if I don't give you all the info it's more difficult to understand.
    chris w.

  6. #6
    Chris let take a step or two back to get this working. Then start putting things back into play.

    Lets get you moving first.

    The reason you only need to set enable in Motor outputs and nothing else is because the Controller software takes over the dutys of dealing with Axis setup from Mach3.
    The Controller software by default use's Channel 0 =X 1=Y etc and each Channel has dedicated Pins on the Terminal strip.
    So the Ports n Pins settings Don't matter because Mach3 has nothing to do with this anymore. Just set all to (0)

    Now Input's and Outputs are jointly handled between Controller and Mach3 so mach does need to know the port# and Pin#'s so it knows where to look or respond too.

    So to get you moving just remove the Enable wires from drives. Provided you haven't change the default drive setting this will enable the drives.
    Also remove the Fault Signals. These won't be the problem unless the drives are flashing a fault but lets just with start basic setup to get movement.

    So now if you have the Axis Enabled in Motor outputs and the Motor Signal wires going to correct Pins you will have movement.

    Try this and let me know.
    Last edited by JAZZCNC; 04-01-2016 at 11:58 PM.

  7. #7
    Chaz's Avatar
    Lives in Ickenham, West London, United Kingdom. Last Activity: 5 Days Ago Has been a member for 9-10 years. Has a total post count of 1,624. Received thanks 113 times, giving thanks to others 70 times.
    Quote Originally Posted by JAZZCNC View Post
    Chris let take a step or two back to get this working. Then start putting things back into play.

    Lets get you moving first.

    The reason you only need to set enable in Motor outputs and nothing else is because the Controller software takes over the dutys of dealing with Axis setup from Mach3.
    The Controller software by default use's Channel 0 =X 1=Y etc and each Channel has dedicated Pins on the Terminal strip.
    So the Ports n Pins settings Don't matter because Mach3 has nothing to do with this anymore. Just set all to (0)

    Now Input's and Outputs are jointly handled between Controller and Mach3 so mach does need to know the port# and Pin#'s so it knows where to look or respond too.

    So to get you moving just remove the Enable wires from drives. Provided you haven't change the default drive setting this will enable the drives.
    Also remove the Fault Signals. These won't be the problem unless the drives are flashing a fault but lets just with start basic setup to get movement.

    So now if you have the Axis Enabled in Motor outputs and the Motor Signal wires going to correct Pins you will have movement.

    Try this and let me know.
    I had similar problems to get my new servos to work.

    Ensure that there is both an 'enable' command sent as well as a 'fault clear'. Both are required to allow the drive state to be healthy before it will accept any commands. This also assumes no limit switches are hit etc.

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by Chaz View Post
    I had similar problems to get my new servos to work.

    Ensure that there is both an 'enable' command sent as well as a 'fault clear'. Both are required to allow the drive state to be healthy before it will accept any commands. This also assumes no limit switches are hit etc.
    Doesn't apply in this case Chaz because he's using Stepper drives infact it gets in the way when it comes to diagnosing. By default the drives is enabled when not connected and the fault is just feedback to the control which just responds if it see's a fault and there shouldn't be fault in this case.

  9. #9
    I am positive we will get to the other side of this problem and laugh about how simple it was, but we not there yet!
    jazz I have put the drive back to the default settings with the dip switches and the rotary pot and disconnected the ENA and ALM terminals, I only connected these because I thought the motor wasn't moving as it needed a enable signal.(for info only)
    and the axes are enabled on Mach and the pins are set to 0,
    there is the green led on the drive, the red led is off and I have never had it on whilst buggering about,
    so all I have connected is the 72vdc the 0v the A+,A-,pul+ and pul-
    Going to the terminals on the csmio 1,2,14 and 15.
    so I try to move with the Mach screen MPG, then the CS labs MPG and then the arrows on the keyboard and all three result in the DRO on Mach responding but no motor or mechanical movement.

    if the phases are wired wrong would it still move but be ruff in movement or not move at all?
    thanks guys,
    chris w.

  10. #10
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	image.png 
Views:	1164 
Size:	630.1 KB 
ID:	17112
    Its connected like this, obviously with power and motor connected,

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